SOMETIMES, FASTER IS SLOWER August 12th, 2014 TUESDAY, 12TH - TopicsExpress


SOMETIMES, FASTER IS SLOWER August 12th, 2014 TUESDAY, 12TH AUGUST, 2014. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “HASTE INCREASES THE CHANCE OF BLUNDER” Memory Verse: “I thought, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the Lord’s favor.’ So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering”1 Samuel 13:12. When the growth of body cells becomes abnormally excessive – as it does in cancer – human body system naturally slows down. When things go wrong, when you are offended or provoked; when you are under pressure to act or speak in certain situation, normally hasty response may appear to be the best option. However, the vitality of patience and caution cannot be undermined. Looking at this from another perspective, what you have mapped out for executions or certain events you are looking forward to may not happen in quick successions as envisaged despite your efforts and prayers. Where an attempt is made or steps taken by the reasons of pressure, provocation or desperation faster than divinely required or planned, such may slow you down or put a stop abruptly to your life or vision, depending on the issue at hand. Chances at the brief moment of waiting may remove element of emotion from your response, thus making it relatively rational, beside, it will allow your sense of good judgement to function maximally. There are times when God or uncontrollable circumstance will force you to take five steps backward so you can take 20 steps forward in quick successions. The instruction given to Saul was to stay at Gilgal with his soldiers till Samuel will come to offer a sacrifice for a reason best known to God. But the pressure put on him, coupled with the scattering of the people around him due to impatience not only withdrew God’s presence and support from him, it put an abrupt stop to his progress and consequently to his life. Truly, Moses was passionate about fulfilling God’s assignment at hand, likewise, God was as much, but Moses’ hasty killing of an Egyptian man fighting with a Hebrew in his quest to defend his people spelt out the blunder he committed whose consequence was his 40 years in exile, thus elongating the normal time of carrying out the assignment. In the race of fulfilling destiny, as much as speed is appreciated and needed, God’s own factor as well as patience, having done all cannot be undermined. Put God where He should be and put men where they should be. Things happen best when they happen at their appointed time. You will not miss it in destiny. This is your day! PROPHETIC ACTION FOR THE DAY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HURT GOD RECENTLY? TAKE SOME TIME OUT TO PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS. BETTER STILL, TAKE STEPS TO CORRECT THE SITUATION. WHEN GOD IS HAPPY WITH YOU, DOORS WILL OPEN FOR YOU. PRAYERS FOR THE DAY I declare today; the enemy will not take undue advantage of me in Jesus name. I receive divine strength in my areas of weakness in Jesus name. My destiny will not be injured by impatience in Jesus name.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:26:02 +0000

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