SOMETIMES WE COMPLETELY FORGET WHAT GOD HAVE DONE FOR US AND START COMPLAINING ABOUT NONSENSE SMALL THINGS . THIS IS JUST A SMALL REMAINDER; During the Eritrean independency war,in 1974, the emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown and a Marxist regime took power in Ethiopia , led by Mengistu Haile Mariam. With the new communist (“Dergue”) regime, there was famines and poverty in the country, people were being tortured and killed over suspicion of being part of the rebels. The brutal communist regimes “Red Terror” repressive campaign drove thousands of Eritreans families to flee the country. From the mid-1970s to the End of 1989,the Eritreans families contracted Sudanese Camels travelers to smuggle them out the country at night, and to guide them in the dry hard dangerous deserts. Most the of the Sudanese Camels travelers were out laws, war guns dealers, murderers, rapists, but the Eritreans families have no other choice but to trust the un-trustable. The travel in the desert from Eritrea to Sudan took about one month to a month and half, because of the Hot weather they traveled at night and rested during the day. In the desert there were hungry wild animals, Lions- Hyenas, and poisons Snakes. Many Eritreans women were being rape in the desert by different small outcast Sudanese or Muslims decedents rebels. Many of the Eritreans families never made it alive to Sudan, they were killed by different circumstances. The Eritreans liberation fighters they also captured the families traveling in the desert and kept only the young Eritreans men and some young women to become liberation fighters. Once the families made it to Sudan they went through more hunger and poverty, and they were being insulted physically and verbally by the Sudanese people for just being of Christian faith. Many rich Eritreans families who use to have many house keepers in Eritrea, went through this terrible time. Some made it to Italy and become housekeepers themselves, but they were thankful to God for just being alive. Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble Psalm 86:7-When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me. Please lest not ever forget what God have done for us in the past, if wasnt for God we will not be here today. GBU.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:59:59 +0000

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