SONG OF THE DAY!!! (JULY-10) for I came not to judge the world, - TopicsExpress


SONG OF THE DAY!!! (JULY-10) for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world…(John 12:47) #### JESUS SAVES ### By: Priscilla J. Owens We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Bear the news to every land, Climb the mountains, cross the waves; Onward! ’tis our Lord’s command; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Waft it on the rolling tide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Tell to sinners far and wide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing, you islands of the sea; Echo back, you ocean caves; Earth shall keep her jubilee: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing above the battle strife: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! By His death and endless life Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Shout it brightly through the gloom, When the heart for mercy craves; Sing in triumph o’er the tomb: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Give the winds a mighty voice: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Let the nations now rejoice: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Shout salvation full and free; Highest hills and deepest caves; This our song of victory: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Amen!!! HYMNAL CHALLENGE!!! We live in a day of rampant confusion concerning spiritual matter. It seems that very few people understand the truth about Gods way of saving the human soul. In fact, asking a dozen different people will often produce as many ideas regarding what saves and what doesnt. For instance: *** Ask an Atheist and he will say, There is no God and there is no need to be saved. ***Ask a Moralist and he will say, Be a good person and do good for others and you will be saved. ***Ask a Religionist and he will say, Do what your church tells you, be a good person and you will be saved. ***Ask a Legalist and he will say, Keep this set of rules and do as you are commanded by your Pastor and you will be saved. ***Ask a man by the name of Paul, who used to fit into three of the above categories, but who is now saved by grace and he will say, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. *** Ask God and He will say, Ye must be born again! This verse (Hebrews 7:25) tells the truth about Gods plan of salvation. It tells us how it works and what it does for the sinner and the saint. It sets the record straight and it teaches a truth that we must not miss! This verse teaches us that those who grasp the truth about how Gods plan of salvation works are saved to the uttermost! That is what I want to preach about for a while this morning. Lets think together about that glorious thought: Saved To The Uttermost! When God saves a soul, He does it right! They are safe and sound. They are delivered. They are saved! When a so-called Christian who walks in open sin and claims an eternal relationship with God is a liar!) CONCLUSION!!! What is the conclusion of the whole matter? Gods plan of salvation has the power to save to the uttermost everyone who comes to Him through Jesus Christ! You see, the whole point of this portion of Hebrews is to show how the Lord Jesus, as our Great High Priest, is absolutely superior to the Old Testament priesthood. Here is how: - The Old Testament priesthood was only temporary. A man could only serve until he died. Jesus has already gone through death and He will never die again, Rev. 1:18. - The Old Testament priest could save no one. Our text verse told us that Jesus is Able to save to the uttermost. He has power that no earthly priest can ever have. He possesses the power to save souls! - The Old Testament priest was never finished with his work. Jesus finished His work on the cross and sat down at His Fathers right hand, Heb. 10:12. - The Old Testament priest could only enter the presence of God once per year and then only with the blood of a sacrificed lamb. Jesus Christ continually abides in His Fathers presence as the representative of the redeemed! Since all this is true, the question you need to answer today is this: What have you done about Gods plan of salvation? Are you saved to the uttermost this morning? Do have the assurance that all is well within your soul today? If there is a need, there is a High Priest named Jesus Who can and will meet that need right now. #### SINGING ### JESUS SAVES…JESUS SAVES…………..
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:42:43 +0000

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