SORE LOSERS. BOARD MEMBERS FOR LIFE. BORROWED TIME Friends, I must sadly report that the old board refused to concede defeat and have ordered the law firm to work overtime to research the bylaws and scare the 133 unit owners who voted on Jan 26 away. 133 is quorum and they have an uphill battle. You were there and voted them out. They are in effect seizing control of the association and holding all of us hostage by refusing to concede defeat and turn over the records and books, to a duly quorum elected new Board of Managers. The old board participated in the election. They vigorously campaigned, called, rallied and readied their supporters. This was a much contested election by both sides. The OLD BOARD launched a dirty, smear, trash campaign, attacking many of us. Why would they participate as much, and as hard, as they did, if they thought the elections were illegal? They validated the election by participating. They lost fair and square, and now they refuse to give up, they are sore losers. They want to be on the BOARD FOR LIFE. This is just another way of holding us hostage by an unjust board. We will not tolerate it anymore. The old board give the lawyer cart blanche to spend any amount necessary to keep themselves in power. Three lawyers are working overtime on CREDIT or borrowed money and anticipated to bill over $20,000 to fight us, which in itself is illegal, for the Board cannot borrow money without a vote. The Lawyers must be warned that they will not be paid for illegal or acts of bad faith. Its in the bylaws. The old board is borrowing to pay the lawyers. The lawyers are working on credit, to be paid when we get the insurance settlement. What happens if we get nothing? Are we still responsible to pay the lawyers tens of thousands of dollars, to fight the people’s choice? Its illegal for the old board or any board to borrow, spend or authorize the spending of money we dont have. Its illegal for them to borrow money and operate on credit. The old board bankrupt us. Borrowing must be put to a vote. Its illegal for them to transfer or convert assessment accounts to operational account. This is all happening now with the assistant of the lawyers. It’s our money, we have to pay it back. The unit owners spoke at the election and removed them, yet they’re using our money to fight us and prop themselves up for life. We’re all responsible for the borrowed money and credit. Borrowing or operating on credit must be put to a vote, its in the bylaws. We will not let them squander our money. They think that they are on the board for life, as if their 20 year reign of terror is not long enough. We will not be stuck with them for life. Friends, you have given us a mandate to represent the association, we will not let this happen and will fight to the best of our ability to bring justice to Grandview Palace. Peter Parino, President Joshua Bernstein,Vice President, Ricky Persaud, Treasure, Joshua Harris - Member Hersch - Member
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:51:14 +0000

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