SORRY FOR THE NOVEL BUT HAD TO SHARE THIS STORY!!!! So Im waitin for my buddy PJ to finish his beer taste test at @Peryam & Kroll by Avondale and Harlem right, (3hr study) so I walk to the gas station right by Harlem&Devon to get a hot cup of Joe, and I see the gas station attendant being a total prick to a lady who had to be In her 70s who had a thick accent....I can tell he wanted her to leave & he became increasingly rude towards her. (She was about to cry or had started to cry) I asked her where she needed to go and I proceeded to jot down directions for her, but she had no clue where she was and begged me to accompany her til she knew where she was goin...I obliged, figuring shes harmless and I just couldnt stand there and allow here to be treated like a pile of dung by this attendant...I then find out shes Serbian and I tell her Im Croatian, so we started talkin in our languages...Her friend that was supposed to meet up w her there finally showed, and she was being extremely rude to this woman as well!!! Now Im feelin even shittier for this woman, so I get in her car and changed the route,so we took Devon(she asked that I go w her til Mccormick then shed pay for my cab back) and we get to Milwaukee Ave and she like woke up and knew where to go! She drops me off and I say goodbye to her and leave the cab money she had given me bc the tearful smile that she gave me while thanking me was payment enough!!! Its moments like this that make Life so special...
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 22:40:40 +0000

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