SORRY FOR THIS BIG POST IN ADVANCE:: In last few days there are - TopicsExpress


SORRY FOR THIS BIG POST IN ADVANCE:: In last few days there are several post and comments on Superbike selling, buying, Dealers, some says super bike riders are business man… they dont love their bikes… etc etc… on 23rd March I got into an accident.. and after gaining my sense in hospital, my 1st question was what about my bike?.. so never say we dont love our bike… if we are businessman there is no harm in it… it is our profession and if a service man buys SBK, its all his money and he has freedom to spend anywhere… now the driving capacity or skill??? it depends on riders… it takes years sometime to learn the leaning and gear changing tactics while you are speeding on highways… now tell me one thing except Taj Express highway, where a SBK rider can keep his throttle on for a long time??? Super bikes are show off???? if you feel like this, then it is…. nobody can control peoples mind or thought process… Now the price factor like ON road price, selling price, buying price…. etc etc.. my bike costs me Rs. 19.10lacs… story does not ends here… with all accessories it is 23 lacs almost… now if I want to sale my bike then the question is I will give stock bike or with all accessories… and to speak the truth anybody can ask anything for his bike… he is not forcing you to buy his bike… if he is demanding something out of the world price, then his bike will be there with him forever….. GOOD THING… Now i want to share a simple story… One fellow used to message me every day about different bike (1000cc or more) and different riding gears. sometime I found that he knows more than those bikes engineers from Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki and Suzuki.. and he knows every riders in India, he can say that rider does not his fault, that riders cornering is so awful, u should go for this exhaust and that boot….after one month of torture finally I asked him which bike u own?? His answer is I will buy one very soon… this is almost one year old story… so knowledge for Net and while u r riding one this beauty is different.. brothers hate it or love it… Dealers are there in the market for everything… even every consumer goods have a dealer in the market, Its upto you how u handle with them. We handle people in every corner in our life… so why blaming some people?? let them do what they want…. Its you who will buy, so compare the price (with stock or with accessories), discuss with people who has experience and decide…. SImple.. Someone compare super cars with super bikes… there is no comparison… any car can go out on road everyday and anytime… so there uses are more… super bike needs special time, free road.. so we only depends Sundays mostly… when a Audi can be used for 30000 km in a year… super bikes hardly run few thousand kilometres… and the maintenance are higher compared o the price of a super car and super bike.. Do you believe if u can bring one special bike from Honda stable from abroad, u may earn few lacs extra in India… Bike is entirely a different and odd segment to compare with other vehicle… Forget about all these…. this all are just a discussion where main issue is MONEY… Lets talk about biking attitude… I was lying there on AIMS flyover, when my fellow riders and the Riders from BOSS group came and shifted me to hospital… I saw tears in fellow riders eyes… lets talk about this attitude…there were around 50 bikers in hospital where i was admitted.. and around 1000 wishes are with me… There were Whatsapp messages in circulation that My hands and legs got fractured and blah blah… the fact is there is not a single fracture in my body by the Grace of GOD and the proper riding gears… I am fit and ready to ride again…. again there were some people who spread rumours about my health and bike (that I will be in total loss etc etc..) …. But at the end of the day I am fine and I am getting my new bike… that does matter to me… Brothers, Only one thing we should remember, we all started our ride with small bike, I started my biking with RX100, and today after lot of hard work we have started our riding on Super bikes… as I respect all bikers and even join them on ride for any special cause in Delhi, we also expect some positive vibe towards us…. people with negative thought are here to stay… we need to keep alive the POSITIVE AURA…. ride hard and ride safe….
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 06:03:17 +0000

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