SORRY YOU ARE MISTAKEN Yes. I am blamed for the problems of - TopicsExpress


SORRY YOU ARE MISTAKEN Yes. I am blamed for the problems of others. Let me go into this a bit. Some people think that I am arrogant. I venture that such types think that due to my being extremely stern on matters. Or, I will say something that they perceive to be something I did not mean (which is amplified due to this evil medium called the Internet, i.e., important natural factors are lost). A lot of things I have written about, thus I just post my paper on the subject. As most people expect personal attention who are commenting here on Fakebook, they get hurt. Their insecurity then comes out, and “I am the problem.” Okay, those who think I am a problem is a real problem. This is the biggest factor with me is, I dont know you. And generally, personally you dont know me. Those who come across like they are going to teach me something that I already know a bit more about, will get challenged based on their arrogance alone. Now factor in their ignorance, we have a real problem arising. Add to it those who do know me rather argue than entertain reading anything I have written. Here in lies the arrogance, laziness, and jealousy factor. Really. You are going to disrespect what I provided and continue to teach me about the subject by going on about it? Really, sorry for being “arrogant”. I call that being disrespectful, not being arrogant. Generally, those who act this way are clueless for the most part. Why? As most everyone I run into are repeaters, they are telling me things that they have heard from somewhere else that I know to be wrong. Being in this 20 years does that. Moreover, in case you have not realized, we dont have much time. I am not debating things I know to be wrong, or a waste of time. Let me simply say, The Bible says dont judge others unless you be judged. Well, I expect people to be kind to others, which includes myself. By making observations the past 20 years being in this “movement”, I can say that there are many thieves and self-centered people (morally void) out there. And it is getting worse every day... especially with Fakebook... RELEASE The Narcissism! That said, there is nothing wrong with an ego, as long as it isnt unwarranted. Unwarranted egos are epidemic in America. Look in the mirror for the “problem”. THAT is the short answer why PAC does not have thousands on board now. That and people wanting to be right (when they are not). Of course, they find out later that being delusional fails when the courts slam them and puts them down. One more thing, people that personally know me know I listen a lot. Largely because they rather not know about what I know and rather be a slave; and it allows me to know what they know, or gives me impetus to not want to know them :) Ergo, you are not learning anything when youre doing all the talking. You might want to understand the true meaning of RULERS OF EVIL. Years ago, Tupper Saussy and I discussed it as I was not clear on it at the time. After 15 years more of observing how people act, it is clear now. Anarchy. Right. LMAO You might want to take the How Evil Are You test.... https://facebook/lb.bork.jurist/posts/303986953083403 Bottom line: Dont expect me to be “nice” if you are not.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:46:00 +0000

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