SOS!!! PLEASE HELP MARINA TO FIGHT FOR HER LIFE!!! UPDATE ABOUT MARINA March 1, 2014 Good evening, dear friends! Today was a wonderful day for Marishka, it was a day of guests. Our compatriots (Russian speaking people who live in London) came to visit Marina, they found out about Marina’s misery and want to help her. The guests came with well wishes and the monetary help (540 GBP). Dear friends, your attention and financial help are priceless for our girl. Thank you so much to everyone who helps Marina! Yesterday chemotherapy was finished and by the evening Marina with her parents was in the flat. First thing in the morning, Marina and her parents came to the clinic where she was given leukocyte stimulant injection. Despite of the serious condition during chemotherapy, the condition of Marina today has improved, the temperature is normal and the swelling went away. Marina tries to eat because if she does not have a certain amount of calorie intake and certain weight they will place a feeding tube. The dietitian asked to monitor Marina’s calorie intake though out the weekend so on Monday they can make a decision regarding feeding tube placement. We continue looking for a charitable organization which can help to support Marina during her treatment. Dear friends, maybe somebody can help us in this. We also need help to spread the information about Marina in English language, so the people who live in The Great Britain will know about her, but not only Russian speaking people. Even very small amount of donation is very important for Marina. Thank you to our new London friends, thank you for your support. Thank you, dear friends, who is with us since the first day of fighting f0r Marina’s life! Thank you to everyone for your help and support!!! God bless you!! SOS!!! PLEASE HELP MARINAS FIGHT AGAINST CANCER!!! EXTRA URGENT FUNDRAISING FOR CANCER TREATMENT IN THE HARLEY STREET CLINIC IN LONDON!!! THIS IS MARINA’S LAST CHANCE FOR SURVIVAL!!! Marina Loskutova, 14 y.o. is fighting kidney cancer. She was diagnosed with cancer in February, 2013. During the last year Marina has had three surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, the hospitals in Ukraine and Belarus have limited possibilities and the doctors suggested Marina’s parents to go for treatment to another clinic in Europe where medicine and technology are more advanced. The Harley Street Clinic in London (Dr. Stergios Zacharoulis) accepted Marina as a patient on February 17, 2014. The price of Marina’s life is 99 899 GBP (about 121 000 EUR). On March 1, 2014 the amount raised is 84 137 EUR. We need to raise 36 863 EUR by March 15, otherwise Marina will have to leave the Harley Street Clinic and go back home to Ukraine where she does not have a chance for survival… Unfortunately, Ukrainian government does not help to pay for medical treatment in other countries, and Marina’s parents had to go to the last resort to ask the strangers for help to save Marina’s life. Marina was born February 1, 2000. She is very smart and obedient little girl. She has been engaged in rhythmic gymnastics since 6 years old. She was ready to receive a title the Candidate of Master of Sports in 2013. She continuously participated in competitions and won 1, 2 and 3 places only. For almost a year, she had been coaching in the School of Olympic Reserve Dynamo in Simferopol, Ukraine. Marina Loskutova has been one of the most promising gymnasts her age. She was prepared for the important gymnastic tournaments for the Olympic Games in the future. In February, 2013 Marina was diagnosed with nephroblastoma (kidney cancer). Before Marina was fighting for the medals and now she is fighting for her life! Please, help Marina to fight against cancer! Any amount of donation no matter how small will make a difference and help Marina to fight for her life! Marina’s support groups https://facebook/Help.Marina.Loskutova vk/club49563847 Marina’s medical documents https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.545899688794541.1073741826.512215372162973&type=3&uploaded=4 The bill from Harley Street Clinic https://facebook/media/set/? set=a.677495175634991.1073741840.512215372162973&type=3 Requisites to help Marina from her support group on vk vk/topic-49563847_27737295 You can help Marina from other countries through gofundme/3l3kqg , PayPal [email protected] (volunteer Tetyana Potarina) , Western Union. Account in Germany Irina Gutenberg (volunteer) Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern KNR: 105596050 BLZ: 54050220 für Marina Loskutova Story about Marina Loskutova on Ukrainian TV youtube/watch?v=HkWZR_tMkDY Marina’s medical history in Russian vk/topic-49563847_27743890 Beautiful video by Ksenia Simonova, Ukrainian artist, to support Marina in her fight against cancer
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:16:19 +0000

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