SOS!!! PLEASE HELP TO SUPPORT MARINA’S FIGHT AGAINST CANCER!!! The price of Marina’s life is 99 899 GBP (about 121 000 EUR). On February 9, 2014 the amount raised is 73 390 EUR. UPDATE ABOUT MARINA Anatoliy Loskutov (Marina’s father) February 11, 2014 Hello, our Dear! The fight for Marina’s health is continuing. Lab values for today: leukocytes 3.6, hemoglobin 90, platelets 30, CRP 1.2. Tomorrow, she will have blood draw again to recheck hemoglobin and if it is going down Marina will have blood transfusion. Herpes zoster stopped, now Marina receives Aciclovir IV and brilliant green topical. Now it started drying up gradually. We hope it will start disappearing by Friday. We continue working on getting visa’s to the UK for Marina’s treatment. We pray the Lord that by the end of this week we will fly there. The condition of Marina is stable. Just like before, she eats very little. Today, a psychologist has talked to her about eating but nothing changed so far. We do not know what to do with this problem. Despite the decision regarding the clinic in London, we have the debt for Marina’s medical expenses in Belarus and that is why we lose money we get in donations. Dear friends, we continue the fight and only your help, your support and your prayers will help us to save Marina!!! Let God keep your hearts save! Thank you!!! SOS!!! PLEASE HELP TO SAVE MARINA’S LIFE!!!! Marina Loskutova, 14 y.o. is fighting kidney cancer. She has been in the hospital for one year. Currently, Marina is in a cancer hospital in Minsk, Belarus waiting for our help. During the last year Marina has had three surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, the hospitals in Ukraine and Belarus have limited possibilities. Harley Street Clinic in London (Dr. Stergios Zacharoulis) agreed to accept Marina as a patient. The price of Marina’s life is 99 899 GBP (about 121 000 EUR). On February 9, 2014 the amount raised is 73 390 EUR. Marina does not have time to wait! Unfortunately, Ukrainian government does not help to pay for medical treatment in other countries and Marina’s parents had to go to the last resort to ask the strangers for help to save Marina’s life. Marina was born February 1, 2000. She is very smart and obedient little girl. She has been engaged in rhythmic gymnastics since 6 years old. She was ready to deserve a title the Candidate of Master of Sports in 2013. She continuously participated in competitions and won 1, 2, 3 places only. For almost a year, she had been coaching in the School of Olympic Reserve Dynamo in Simferopol, Ukraine. Marina Loskutova has been one of the most promising gymnasts her age. She was prepared for the important gymnastic tournaments for the Olympic Games in the future. In February, 2013 Marina was diagnosed with nephroblastoma (kidney cancer). Before Marina was fighting for the medals and now she is fighting for her life! Please, help Marina to fight against cancer! Any amount of donation no matter how small will make a BIG difference and help Marina to fight for her life! SOS!!! СРОЧНО!!! МАКСИМАЛЬНЫЙ ПЕРЕПОСТ!!! СВЕРХСРОЧНЫЙ СБОР — 121 000 евро на лечение в Англии! Спасите жизнь Мариночки Лоскутовой! РАК! Срочно! Сумма сбора: 121 000 евро. На 9 февраля собрано: 73 390 евро (883 042 грн) Осталось собрать: 47 610 евро (572 852 грн). Анатолий Лоскутов (папа Марины) 11 февраля 2014 Здравствуйте, дорогие наши! Продолжается борьба за здоровье нашей Мариночки. Анализы на сегодня: лейкоциты 3,6. гемоглобин - 90, тромбоциты - 30. ЦРБ - 1,2. Завтра будут повторно брать анализы на тромбоциты, если будут падать, то будут вливать. У Мариночки герпес Зостер остановился, сейчас вводят внутривенно ацикловир, а сверху мажут зеленкой. Сейчас начинает все постепенно присыхать. Надеемся, что к пятнице начнет уходить. Продолжаем решать вопрос об оформлении визы в Великобританию на лечение. Будем молить Господа, что до конца этой недели мы вылетим туда. Состояние Маришки - стабильное, Как и раньше, мало кушает. Сегодня с Маришкой разговаривала психолог по поводу питания, пока ничего не изменилось. Мы не знаем, как бороться с этой проблемой. Не смотря на решение вопроса по поводу клиники Лондона, есть долги в Белоруссии и из-за этого мы теряем собираемые средства. Друзья, борьба продолжается, только ваша помощь и поддержка, ваши молитвы помогут нам спасти !! Пусть ваши сердца хранит Господь!Спасибо вам!!! Marina’s support groups (Группы поддержки Марины) https://facebook/Help.Marina.Loskutova vk/club49563847 Marina’s medical documents (Медицинские документы Марины) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.545899688794541.1073741826.512215372162973&type=3&uploaded=4 The bill from Harley Street Clinic (Счет из Harley Street Clinic) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.677495175634991.1073741840.512215372162973&type=3 Requisites to help Marina from her support group on vk (Реквизиты для оказания помощи) vk/topic-49563847_27737295 You can help Marina from other countries through gofundme/3l3kqg , PayPal [email protected] , Western Union (please ask the admin about the receiver’s country. Marina is about to leave for the UK with her parents). Account in Germany (Oткрыт счёт в Германии) Irina Gutenberg (volunteer) Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern KNR: 105596050 BLZ: 54050220 für Marina Loskutova Story about Marina Loskutova on Ukrainian TV (История Марины на украинском телеканале) youtube/watch?v=HkWZR_tMkDY Marina’s medical history in Russian (История болезни Марины) vk/topic-49563847_27743890 Beautiful video by Ksenia Simonova, Ukrainian artist, to support Marina in her fight against cancer (Видео Ксении Симоновой в поддержку Марины в ее борьбе с раком)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 08:17:11 +0000

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