SOTU Reaction State of the Union Reaction: For Immediate Release - TopicsExpress


SOTU Reaction State of the Union Reaction: For Immediate Release – January 28, 2014 Repeal of Obamacare, Immigration Enforcement Key to Raising Incomes (AUGUSTA, GA) - The very President responsible for driving down family incomes and employment to the lowest levels in decades tonight called for more of the same toxic big-government action, according to John Stone, Republican front-runner in the race to replace incumbent Democrat John Barrow in Georgia’s hotly contested 12th Congressional District. “Obamacare is forcing the lay-off of masses of low-wage workers, the loss of health benefits for millions more, while those remaining face effective paycheck cuts of $2-3 an hour from health premium hikes. It is incredible that instead of agreeing to repeal and replace this paycheck killer, the President and Congressman John Barrow are calling for even more federal intervention in the economy,” says Stone. Barrow has voted over 30 times to block repeal or defunding of Obamacare. “Yes, the minimum wage is too low after failing to keep up with inflation for over 20 years,” Stone says. “But to start hiking it to $10.10 an hour in the middle of the Obamacare low-income job destruction will throw thousands more folks out of work entirely.” Stone also blasted the President’s amnesty call for illegal aliens, and blamed Obama’s refusal to enforce current immigration law for suppressing wages further for American workers. “This Administration is officially allowing illegal immigrants to steal the very entry-level jobs the President tonight says he is trying to protect. By his illegal and unconstitutional ‘prosecutorial discretion’ decision to ignore current law, bypass Congress, and grant legal status to millions of illegal workers, he is undermining legitimate free-market wage growth driven by demand that would have occurred in the absence of the tidal wave of illegal immigration.” Stone also applauded House Republican Leaders for looking into legal action to block Obama’s announced plans to continue bypassing Congress through executive orders, in violation of Constitutional requirements. “I believe this President has crossed the line into illegal actions, and if so, Congress should exhaust every legal means to overturn and correct these violations.” ### Interview Requests – call (912) 335-3139 (24/7) PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT JOHN STONE Like Commentabout 4 hours ago
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 07:32:26 +0000

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