SOUL MEDICINE INSPIRATION OCTOBER 2013 NEWS Dedicated to you by Elisabeth Egidy Metaphysical teacher/Reiki master website: soulmedicine-elisabeth email: beth_el33@hotmail mobile contact: 0420 401771 Therapeutic healing helps move the body toward greater health and well-be-ing Positive thoughts create positive experiences> Welcome all beautiful Souls, Kindred Spirits, Light healers and Wise ones! We are living at a time of incredible potential. Not only do we have access to more information on the planet than ever, but we also get to participate in the global movement in shifting collectively our consciousness from that of darkness into the light! Every day I gain more and more insight into the incredible awakening that is taking place within individuals. Yes, you know it as well as I do. I am only a soul awakener, I am only one of many who are here to show the way. Throughout the month I gain much insight as to what people are experiencing on a da8ly basis out there in the world. A world where we need to battle and where we need to be aware of our protecting who we are, divine, magnificent expressions of the creative principle, also known as God, the Universe, Allah, name your own. It says it very clearly in all the great spiritual texts that we must protect ourselves and be ready to stand in our truth. Use your protective shield and be on guard not to become entangled in others mistaken thoughts and fears, which manifest as negative vibes (which you feel and pick up) this will often lead to painful actions and misdeeds, step back and gain perspective from the distance. Creative solutions appear when you let go and let God. Often the awakening happen swiftly, after all we are on an accelerated time on the planet. We really do not have the luxury of contemplating whether or not to choose Love over fear, We must! The example following is taken from a collective assessment of case studies throughout a period of the past two years. It is not a lofty idea, it is a collective cry for relief. Please read through and see if any of it resonates with you, or has done in the past. Be assured it will not last forever, this too shall pass! Some of the spiritual signs of awakening are: 1.) Restlessness 2.) Insomnia 3.) Excessive fears (no known cause) 4.) Boredom 5.) Anxiety 6.) Emotional overwhelm 7.) Inability to cope 8.) Heightened sense of knowingness 9.) Visions during dream state Increased awareness about the nature of life, books fall off the shelf, repeated conversation, signs on cars, eg: Help has arrived 10.) A deep desire to connect to the Angelic realm, to join a prayer group, and or to seek out like minded- people. These are just a few sign that you are being called to take notice, to wake up from the deep sleep, from the dram like state of living in a reality that truly is not real. Some of the physical signs are: Tightening of the throat, dizziness, heat in your feet, sweaty palms, stomach pain. So in a nut shell, taking notice of the signs, letting go of fears and letting the light guide your life will quickly transform you, from feeling overshadowed by a cloud of uncertainty to becoming the powerful being of light, to moving and standing in your truth! Here is to you magnificent light bearer! Course in Miracles Study group every Monday night from 6.45 –8 pm Study group $ 10 Every Tuesday night from 7.15- 8.30 Meditation and channeling Spiritual development classes $10 REIKI WORKSHOPS ARE HELD THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AND OFTEN COINCIDE WITH THE REIKI CONNECT DAY. Feel free to express your interest! Reiki connect – 27th of October 2013 Everyone is welcome. Come and observe and/or participate. Reiki treatments are given free of charge. Reiki is a discipline that restores harmony and balance to your body, mind and spirit. Date: Sunday the 27th of October 2013 4-6 pm I am so excited to see become whole and therefore all your dreams come true! With love always,
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 00:35:35 +0000

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