SOURCES OF SELF ESTEEM AND SELF RESPECT ( by SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATHI) Self esteem is developed due to a number of facts. Ones parentage , ones culture , religion, father, mother. The culture , environment , social status , economic status , educational status , kind of job . Ones own accomplishments. All these contribute to one self esteem . Not withstanding all this , there can still be low self esteem. Even if the above mentioned factors are good , ones own unconcious can lead to low self esteem. The most importAnt source - the singular source for low self esteem is your childhood. The child is sent to play school when it is 3 years old, then to kindergarten. This is the worst thing that can happen to a child. A childs ego is getting developed. When the child is at home , he is the apple of his mothers eye, the centre of attention for his grandparents. The child needs this kind of unconditional love at this stage. When the child is sent to school , the child thinks he is being banished, sent away. He thinks THat he has done something wrong , so his mother is banishing him to school. The child comes back smiling from school. THat is because he is so happy to see his mother again. Not because , he had a great time at school. Day after day , the child is banished to school. A mother has to be there. If the mother is along with the child in school , it is ok. The child plays for some time , comes and checks on his mother and is happy to go back to play. If the mother is not there the child feels banished. The mother should be around. No matter what - low self esteem is there , because of the school system. The child can be at home , tutored by the mother. The child can be sent to school when he is 5 years old. The parents dont want their children missing out what other children are doing , so they send them to play school. Only Vedanta can save you if you went to play school.( laughs) You are one non -duAl reality- where is low self esteem for one who has understands Vedanta? Mother is Isvara for the child . The mother cannot do anything wrong - so when mother does something wrong , the child feels Isvara has done something wrong. The child should be tutored at home till he is 5 years old. You can form an informal play school of 10 mothers together . The mothers can teach the children. It will be fun for the children and mothers . It will also cost a lot less than sending children to elite play schools. The other option is to talk to play schools and schools to allow mothers to be around the child , till the child is 5 years old.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:25:52 +0000

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