SOUTH AFRICA- LAND OF DECEPTION AND WHITE GENOCIDE The miracle of Dr. HF Verwoerd (1958 -1966): South Africa became the second fastest growing economy (7,9 % and growing) in the world (during the 1960 decade). And Jaap Marais’s (passed away leader of the HNP) correct analysis of his assassination and the prediction of the future economic destruction of South Africa, today a modern day prophet: “Verwoerd’s biggest critics were the English speaking press in South Africa, but let us look at what the “Rand Daily Mail” (a sworn enemy of Verwoerd) on 30th of July 1966 wrote about this great man. “At the age of 65 Dr. Verwoerd has reached the peak of a remarkable career. No other South African Prime Minister has ever been in such a powerful position in the country. He is at the head of a massive majority after a resounding victory at the polls. The nation is suffering from a surfeit of prosperity and he can command almost unlimited funds for all that he needs at present in the way of military defense. He can claim that South Africa is a shining example of peace in a troubled continent, if only, because overwhelming domestic power can always command peace. Finally, as if that were not enough, he can face the session (of parliament) with the knowledge that, short of an unthinkable show of force by people whom South Africans are rapidly being taught to regard as their enemies, he can snap his fingers at the United Nations. Thanks to the recent judgement of the Hague Court (on the South West Africa issue) he can afford to condescend to the world body, graciously remaining a member as long as it suits him. Indeed, the Prime Minister has never had it so good.” Jaap Marais was another of these so called educated “Dumb Dutchmen”. He was a politician, an attorney a devoted ornithologists as well as the man who translated William Shakespeare’s “Julius Ceaser” into Afrikaans. Marais states that under Verwoerd and his policy of “Separate development (“Apartheid”), the living standards of Blacks were rising at 5,4% per year against that of the whites at 3,9% per year. In 1965 the economic growth of South Africa was the second highest in the world at 7,9%. The rate of inflation was a mere 2% per annum and the prime interest rate only 3% per annum. Domestic savings were so great that South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion. “Time magazine”, eleven days before Dr. Verwoerd’s assassination, wrote, “South Africa is in the midst of a massive boom. Attracted by cheap labor, a gold backed currency and high profits, investors from all over the world have ploughed money into the country, and the new industries that they have started have sent production, consumption – and the demand for labour – soaring. Such are the proportions of prosperity…” A few months before Dr. Verwoerd was assassinated, the editor of the British periodical, “Statist”, Paul Bareau, wrote… “At the rate at which South Africa is now expanding the term „miracle” is likely to be appropriate to its development over the next few years”. In other words, South Africa was an emerging economic and military threat to the Anglo American establishment. Nevertheless… All of this, South Africa under Nationalism, achieved despite of worldwide arms embargoes, economic sanctions and the entire world supporting the enemies of South Africa. More remarkable was that Vorster (traitor) started systematically undoing the foundation of all that Verwoerd built up. This would later be carried on by P.W. Botha and F.W. De Klerk who would eventually hand over the country to Marxist Terrorist rule.” Jaap Marais prophetic prediction: ” Total destruction of the South African economy and a chaotic black revolution that will follow: – “ Verwoerd’s two biggest opponents in South Africa was the Jew banksters Harry Oppenheimer and Anton Rupert. Rupert and Oppenheimer wanted to privatize the banking sector under Jewish control- but Verwoerd was not to be found for that. Verwoerd and Rupert had an argument around the issue once- which led to Verwoerd nearly throwing Rupert out of his office. Verwoerds’s point of view was that the mineral riches of the country belong to all the people of South Africa. He was heavily opposed to a Jewish mineral monopoly in South Africa as we have today. He also blocked the Federal Reserve becoming a private institution but saw it as a National asset.Verwoerd was a visionary and knew should the Fed become a private institution- the Jew mobsters in New York would have the monopoly on our gold reserves. He went further and signed a law that the Reserve was to stay in National public ownership. For this hardline patriotism to his country and opposing the Jewish mob – Verwoerd literally signed his own death warrant! It was on the end Harry Oppenheimer – in co-operation with the National Party- that organized through his Carnegie connections overseas for Verwoerd to be assassinated. This was organized by the CIA through their “lone nut” ( a mix race bastard Dimitri Tsavendas)-black ops method- the same as Lee Harvey Oswald was used in the assassination of Kennedy and the two blacks in the assassination of Eugene Terreblanche. The signed law barring the Fed from becoming Jewish property mysteriously “disappeared” in the dark corridors of the British created National Party- and was quickly “amended” to change this clause when Blackie Swartz (another Jewish appointee)- came to power. Verwoerd also initiated the Bantu homelands- a system that was implemented to give the black population their own homelands or states where they could rule themselves independently as sovereign nations. Central government would supply the financial needs and building of the infrastructure. Verwoerd’s motto was that no nation has the right to govern another nation. He believed that whites must rule themselves independently- as well as all the different black tribes as they did when whites came to South Africa the first time. This vision was dubiously contorted and twisted around by the Jewry in their slander propaganda in their British media- and subsequently dubbed their contorted lie as “Apartheid.” According to their propaganda Verwoerd saw the blacks as a “sub race” with “no” rights- thus the reason he want to “push them aside” from the whites. Meantime just the OPPOSITE was the truth. Needless to say we know the Jewry was behind this propaganda smear campaign. This they utilized as their main attacking platform to poison the minds of the international community- as well as the local black population.Even the “dompas” (curfew) law- a BRITISH invention in the Cape Colony- was blamed on Verwoerd by the British Jewry media. Thus all their evils they blamed on one man- for dead people cannot talk. Up to today whites are continuously lambasted by this British media dregs for “Apartheid”- in order to keep them on the constant guilt trip to look after and subsidize useless non-working blacks. “Apartheid” became the main focus point of the British media to intimidate whites in South Africa- but they gleefully forget their OWN “Apartheid” with regard to the Scotts and Irish independence. This is TYPICAL the vile Jewry fraternity. Immediately after Verwoerd’s death- the British media kept on to ridicule his name and blamed “Apartheid” on him to justify and hide their evil conspiracy on their road to run the monopoly of the South African mineral riches. With their Achilles Heel out of the way- their path to destroy and plunder our mineral resources was now open. Through this evil deception, lies , conspiracies and propaganda- they destroyed the country through their own despots like Voster and PW Botha – and introduced their own ultimate henchmen like Mandela into power. The deal at CODESA with the Nguni was quite simple and straight forward: The Jewry keep the minerals- and the black regime can take the country.Secondly must the National Party and ANC work together to empty all the gold in the Federal Reserve – and transfer it to the Jews in America . CITI Bank was utilized for most of the transfers- thus De Klerk and his dogs of hell at CODESA sold ALL the gold belonging to the people of South Africa to the New York Jews to save THEIR economy while the people of this country was deemed “expendable.” Both the ANC AND National Party was on Oppenheimer’s payroll- thus he could dictate the terms easily at CODESA in handing the country to the enemy while many a young white Boer and Afrikaner soldier were dying in South West Africa to protect HIS diamond operations from SWAPO. This was the start of the country’s downhill financial plunge. This also started one of the biggest modern genocides of white people in recent history- with now already more than 70 000 whites brutally murdered while the Jewry keep it’s international media silent about what is happening in South Africa. OR1 It was in the hands of yet another mix race bastard child in FW De Klerk- a hired assassin of the British Jewry-that multiple murders were committed like the Helderberg- and all the gold stolen from the South African Federal Reserve for the Jew banksters in New York. Through this evil little slant-eyed usurper the white nation of South Africa also was delivered into the gates of hell with it’s ANC demonic guardians. DE KLERK2 tsavendas Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, the Dutch-born National Party Prime Minister, who is widely, but incorrectly, credited with creating apartheid. Verwoerd was regarded as white South Africa’s greatest prime minister, and was twice a target for Jewry paid leftist assassins. The first assassination attempt, in which he was shot in the face, failed, but the second, carried out by a mixed-race orderly working in the South African parliament, was successful. Verwoerd was stabbed to death at his seat in the parliamentary building in September 1966. VERWOERD MURDER VERWOERD AND MARAIS Mnr. Jaap Marais het as leier van die HNP (wat steeds bestaan) op 20 Julie 1996 die volgende in sy werkstuk Die uitdaging aan die Afrikanervolk genoem. Ek haal aan: “Dat dié bestel inmekaar sal stort, is een van die sekerhede van die toekoms. Daar is ná tallose eksperimente nog nie ’n enkele suksesvolle voorbeeld van ’n parlementêre demokrasie waarin verskillende rasse, gelowe, kulture en volke vreedsaam saamgebind is nie”. Link: volksblad/opinie/2014-01-30-niekie-malboro-man-en-sirkusgeld Mnr Jaap Marais het herhaaldelik gewaarsku dat die Swart kommunistiese bestel in duie sal stort omdat dit nie oor die duursaamheid van die belangrikste twee voorwaardes beskik nie naamlik ’n: * groeiende ekonomie, en * respek vir wet en orde. Sy woorde in Augustus 1994: “Omdat hulle prioriteit wraak en uitwissing van die Blanke is sal so ’n ineenstorting met groot bloedvergieting en geweld gepaardgaan. Ons moet ons voorberei vir wanneer al hierdie dinge in duie sal stort.” Link: Letter to Bill Clinton, ex Pres. of the United States of America (A prophetic analysis written in 1999 by Jaap Marais:) Follow the link: and link:,6734.60.html Tydens mnr. Jaap Marais se begrafnis het wyle mnr. Willie Marais hom beskryf as “Die grootste Eerste Minister wat Suid-Afrika nie gehad het nie”. Looking back at history we clearly could see that the biggest evil bestowed onto South Africa was the British Jewry. Through their evil assassination- as well as their slandering of Verwoerd’s name through the British media- they have succeeded in bringing South Africa where she is today- from a once healthy economy to a quagmire of financial despair under alien rule with no certain hope for tomorrow. Today the majority mineral rights belong to these Jewry vultures.South Africa was stripped to the bone by these evil Jewsters and their glutenous ANC mobster cohorts. As Jaap Marais correctly predicted- the Jew puppets posing in the colors of the the ANC – who neither is a political party nor a homogenous race but aliens-has led South Africa into a deep recession. South Africa today is firmly in the claws of the Jewry bankers of Britain- and very deep in financial trouble. Had South Africa leaders like Hendrik Vewoerd and Jaap Marais in parliament today- South Africa would have been undesputidly be the most powerful economy in the world- but for the vile British Jews in Wall Street. Now we have a incompetent terrorist movement playing “ government” – a country in a deep recession with more than 40% of it’s populace impoverished and on the grant wagon, more than 600 000 whites out of the job market, non functional state departments and municipal services that is on the brink of a total financial collapse – and a possibility of a pending civil war. South Africa now became the opposite of what Verwoerd made it- a criminal cesspool of bottom dwellers in which nobody are interested to invest anymore. THIS IS THE JEWRY’S “DEMOCRACY“- which is hailed a far more feasible option than the prosperous “Apartheid”- and a murderous terrorist being recognized by the world rather than an educated statesman. The bottom of politics is that we just must follow the money-line….it’s a dirty game where the first casualty normally is the righteous. ….just like a replay of the historical event between Yahshua of Nasareth and Barnabas where the good had to be sacrificed in order for the evil to prosper.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:47:39 +0000

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