SOUTH AFRICAN REGION OF BELIEVERS LOVEWORLD INCORPORATED LEADERS AND PARTNERS CONFERENCE WITH PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME PhD HEB 11:1 – Faith is the essence, the title deed of things hoped for. Hope is usually in the future. Something you desire, you look forward to. Which means that Hope is a picture of the future, an image of a desired future. A picture of a desired accomplishment or possession. Faith is the essence of that hope. Until you hope, it has no life. That is why hope is so important. When people become hopeless, they give up, they die. Only human beings are given the ability to express faith, hope and love. WAVE PARTICLE DUALITY ……when you’re not observing them, they are in a wave form. In somewhat a state of inertia but when you look, that electron that had a wave characteristic becomes a particle or matter. From the scripture above, You have hope (which is in the future) but when you see it, faith makes it real. Once you actually have hope, it is a possibility, it exists. Until you hope, it is potential energy. That means it is a possibility that could be realized. So where is the origin therefore of matter? Gen 1:1 – ‘’in the beginning GOD. … (No assumptions, no speculations, there is only one God) vs. …..And God said….’’ 2Cor 4:6 – ‘’…..God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness…..’’ The light didn’t come from heaven for the Bible days in heaven there is no darkness at all. The light didn’t come out of God for in Him there is no darkness at all. THE SONO LUMINISCENT EXPERIMENT In 1934, some scientists accidentally made a discovery- they created bubbles inside water and then activated sound waves towards the bubbles to collapse the bubbles by some form of implosion. When the bubbles imploded, light was emitted. In 1989, a single bubble was used to carry out this same experiment so this particular phenomenon can be closely monitored. The Conclusion was that light was emitted when sound waves were excited against imploding bubbles. Speech creates sound waves; when we talk, we release energy which goes out in form of sound waves. When God spoke, energy was released and light came out of the darkness in the water. (The deep) This means that the Bible account is a scientific reality. The original source material for everything is God’s word. If God spoke and sound was released and sound is wave energy and energy is convertible to matter when we look, it shows us the power of God’s word and the power of hope and faith. We are creative beings; you can make your own life beautiful. Suffering and being pained and bitter and anger are all a choice. It doesn’t matter the situation into which you were born, you make a choice to remain there or change it. When you don’t have knowledge, things will be happening to you but when knowledge comes, you will be in control. Life ceases to be a speculation or an effort in the dark. God’s word is absolute truth and you can depend on it with your whole life. Don’t be afraid to believe God and stay on His word. You can’t follow the word and make a mistake. Those who regret following the word never knew it. They weren’t following the word but the desires of their own heart. When you go for the word, stay focused though there be many who will try to distract you. That is Satan’s job. If he has to do his job of distracting you then you have to do your job of staying focused. In the realm of the supernatural you have infinite possibilities. The reason is because there is only one law that rules- The word of God. The logos of God. The logos of God is God’s word presented that encapsulates his opinions, his thoughts, his ideas, his doctrines, his accounts, the thinkings of God. Jn 1:1- In the beginning was the logos of God and the word was God. When God spoke, that word carried with it God’s message, opinions, revelations, his thoughts and thinkings. When God speaks His word to you, it is more than just words. If you take it, it will guide your life. Visions and revelations come from the word of God. When you are listening to the word of God, visions can come to you, manifestations of the gifts of the spirit can come to you. There are things of God that are activated in your spirit when you are listening to the word of God. When the word comes, visions come with it. vs. 9……..that was the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Every man who is born into this world has a presence for revelation. God’s witness is in every man so no man will have the excuse that he didn’t know God. vs. 14 – All of God’s personality, His ability to perceive, His ideas, His knowledge, wisdom, all of who He is in personality and quality in the divine logos became flesh, took on humanity and dwelt among us. Speech, spoken word took on flesh. Jesus is the divine logos. As Jesus walked on the street, He was God’s message in flesh. vs. 16…….of His fullness have all we received grace heaped upon grace. The importance of speech is seen in the principle of salvation. Until you say it, you will not be catapulted into salvation- That is the spiritual law. …….with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Mt 12:35- Is it possible that you are giving so much into the gospel but you may not be getting as much as the demands on your giving might be. Sometimes this can cause you to wonder but: 1) Don’t start by thinking something is wrong because you keep hearing other people’s testimony about their jobs and finances. Don’t base your life on the circumstances of your job, business or finances. Wait on the Lord. When He does His thing… That’s why He told us to rejoice with those who rejoice. It makes no difference what happens in your job, dare to believe God! Your responses are based on Information. Information creates pictures and until you see pictures, nothing is real. Mk 9:23- what do you believe? THE WORD. That’s all that rules in the realm of the Spirit. Your spirit has the capacity for infinite possibilities. There is no telling what you can be, do and have if you will only believe. A complete Metamorphosis will happen in your life. It doesn’t matter what limits have been placed on your life….your spirit has infinite possibilities if you can only believe. Dare believe God! Let nothing stop you. God gives us His prescriptions for life. He tells us how to think….Phil 4:6-8 Your behavior and actions are dependent on the information you receive and when that information comes, it paints a picture. What you see is what you get. God has given us His word for very definite reasons: 1) To impart faith and faith never comes without a picture. The word paints the reality of what it says/ a picture of what it says. Where the word is there is the divine Logos, it’s like that wave in inertia. Until you look…when you look and you see it, it ceases to be potential energy. It becomes matter. What is the origin of matter? Prov 4:23- This is the origin of matter because the universal matter came from the heart of God. You are made in the image of God and everything you are going to need for your life is going to come out from your heart. Mt 12: 35 We are the ones to prove to allow what happens here on earth after scrutinizing it. Where is the capital for that business going to come from? Faith is the essence not the process. Forget about the process; the source is the most important thing. Are you seeing the business or are you looking for the capital? If you hold on to the picture of what you want, then don’t worry about how it will navigate towards you. Your business is ‘faith is the essence’. Can you see the money, can you see the venue? You have to hold unto the picture because when you look away, it turns into potential energy. Is something trying to discourage you? Turn away from it. 2Cor 4:17- ‘’our light afflictions which is but for a moment..’’ ..It came to pass, it didn’t come to stay! No matter what you are going through, if you can stay focused there is a far more eternal weight of glory. Something is coming. …… What is coming far outweighs all that we have ever seen. Glory!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:55:35 +0000

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