SOUTH SOUTH APC CARPETS JONATHAN OVER PETROL PRICE Passes Vote of No Confidence in Him Joe Odey The National Vice Chairman, South South, of the All Progressives Congress, Prince Hilliard Eta has faulted the rebasing of the pump price of petrol by Mr. Goodluck Jonathan. In a press statement issued yesterday, the zonal chairman described the adjustment as “ill timed and politically motivated.” The statement read: “the partial restoration of fuel subsidy by President Goodluck Jonathan underscores the frightening level of desperation of the Peoples Democratic Party and Jonathan to win the presidential elections holding next month. It could be recalled that on January 1, 2012, Mr. Jonathan partially deregulated the downstream oil sector much against the advices of seasoned economists, politicians, administrators and most importantly, against the wishes of the citizens of Nigeria. This deregulation shot the price of PMS (petrol) through the rooftops and the common man on the street faced unprecedented hardship as the prices of virtually every good and service doubled overnight with petrol selling for almost N200 per litre as against the N65 initial price.” “Coming just about three weeks before the presidential elections, they are attempting to take the people on another ride as they have done before every general election since 1999. The world price of crude oil started its downward slide from around July 2014 when it was at $107 per barrel of Brent Crude, Nigeria’s equivalent of Bonny light crude. Today, a barrel of crude sells for less than $50 per barrel. If Jonathan were really sincere, the pump price of gasoline would have been around N40 a litre, not N87. It is also pertinent to ask why it was not done before this time considering that the crude oil slump happened many months ago.” Prince Eta opined that the reduction is an overt attempt to bait Nigerians into reelecting the president for another term. In his words; “Mr President has rather naively assumed that we are going to re elect him despite his miserable performance record. This in itself is offending to the sensibility of Nigerians. In the South South zone, we have since passed a vote of no confidence in him for the many things he failed to do. It is important to point out that our brothers in the North East have been suffering untold hardship under the scourge of Boko Haram with the president not doing anything to aid them.” “We urge him to use his few remaining days in office to do something positive that Nigerians will remember him for as virtually all his days in office have been one negative thing or day other. From the fuel subsidy mess to the $20 billion which grew wings and disappeared, the Allison Madueke and Stella Odua embarrassment, it has been one sour incident or the other. As the National Vice Chairman, APC South South, I know that neither we in President’s home zone nor posterity will forgive him if he leaves office on this note.”
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 18:56:01 +0000

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