SOUTHERN BORNO AND POLITICS OF MARGINALIZATION I will start this piece with due apology to those who may not like the point am going to raise here, it is not intended to preach disunity, but it is a fact and reality that we have come to terms with. There are two issues that made me to write this. First is the issue of ministerial nominee from Borno. I want to state here that am not against the person that was nominated for the position, in fact though I have never met him, but people who know him said he is a good person. The issue here is about the rumor going round that our governor wanted somebody who is from southern Borno, but some people went against him for daring to support a nominee from that senatorial zone. Though, I want to believe that it is just a rumor, but if it turns out to be true, then the questions I want to ask is that are we not part of Borno state? Don’t we have qualified people to be appointed as ministers? Are we second class citizens in our own state? This is indeed some of the questions I will like to ask those who criticize the governor for supporting a nomination from southern Borno. In as much as I hate talking about this issue, but it paramount that we have to put the record straight. How many ministers do southern Borno produces since the inception of the current democratic dispensation in 1999? Only two, Engr Mohammed Abba Gana and Alh Ibrahim Kida, though Engr Abba Gana mostly align himself with Borno central. Apart from Sanusi Dagash who is from northern Borno, all the rest of the ministers come from Borno central, and yet they are not satisfied and for the selfish reason of some of these people, they are against the nomination of a minister from southern Borno as if they are more citizens than the rest of the senatorial zones. This politics of tribe should be put to stop, after all the people of southern Borno like all other citizens of the state have the right to occupy positions that are due to the state. How many federal perm sec have we produce compared to the rest of the zones, we are always being marginalized when it comes to most of this issues and yet nobody seems to care because we are patient people. This has stop, Borno belongs to all of us and nobody is more citizens than the other. The people of the southern Borno need to be commended for their maturity, because it is the only zone in the state that has never produce a Governor of the state, and yet they are always loyal to whoever become the governor. It is only in Borno that zoning is not applied when it comes to the issue of who becomes the governor of the state. We cannot continue to be second class citizen in our own state, we deserve a better treatment. We have kept quiet for too long, and we have to wake up and say no to any form of marginalization. The second issue that warrants this piece also is the issue of the current consultation going on for the proposed national dialogue. The leaders of southern Borno must wake up to their responsibilities and present a common front if this so called national dialogue is to hold. This is not about partisan politics; it is about who and what we want to be. We have to define our stakes in the scheme of things in the state. We have to take positions on so many issues regarding our existence as people and our role in the state. Issues of development must take a center stage in the zone, we cannot just be given deputy governorship and then we go home and relax that everything is ok. The efforts of those who have sacrifice a lot to actualize the creation of Savannah state out of the current Borno state should be commended and the tempo has to be maintained. Our Emirs, and the political leaders in the zone have done a lot, and I believe if the national dialogue is going to take place, then it should an avenue to actualize such project. Worthy of mention in this regards are efforts of Sen Ali Ndume, Hon Muktari Betara Aliyu, His Royal Highness Emir of Biu, Emirs OF Askira, Gwoza, Shani, and Uba. Others are the leadership of BEDA, and Biu Forum. Special acknowledgement has to be given to Mohammed Ali Biu, and Mohammad Ali Gwoza who at their level as staffs of the national assembly had contributed a lot. All those who are mentioned above should know that the struggle continues and certainly there will be victory at the end. But first we have to have a united front; we cannot achieve anything with a divided house. The interest of our people should be above any other consideration. It is therefore very critical that our leaders call a mini conference of southern Borno and take positions that will better the lives of our people. The leadership of BEDA, Biu forum, Gwoza development association, Askira development association and all other pressure groups and stakeholders in the zone must call a meeting to discuss our problems. Borno is our state and personally am proud to be from Borno state, but in a situation where some tribal bigots think they are more citizen than us, it is unacceptable. This is the first time am writing on such issues, because I always think we are one, and if some people choose to think that they can take us for a ride, then I have to let them know that they are wrong. The southern Borno people are always loyal and peace loving people, they are people who don’t speak from both sides of their mouths. Our yes is yes and our no is no. May Allah grant us a lasting peace in Borno, the north and Nigeria at large. ABDULLAHI YUSUF writes from Garki 2 Abuja
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:48:41 +0000

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