SOW GHANA INTERNATIONAL (NGO) PRESENTED AWARDS TO STUDENTS IN ADUTOR. SOW Ghana International is a Non-Governmental Organisation which helps rural communities in the areas of Education, Health, Agriculture and the environment. The organisation decided to present awards to some deserving students of Adutor Basic A and B schools, using their last promotional examinations result as the criteria for selecting the winners. JHS 1 to 3 students who were able to attain 1st to 3rd positions were awarded with dictionaries, exercise books and mathematical sets at a ceremony held at Adutor on Thursday 21st November 2013. Stating the purpose of the ceremony, the director in charge of Research and Communication at SOW Ghana International, Mr. Ledzi Segbefia said the NGO has identified the lack of motivation as one of the reasons for the decline in the academic performance of students in the area, hence, the NGO’s decision to organize the Awards Ceremony to motivate the students to strive more for academic excellence. Mr. Martin Afianu and Rev. Doe, Headmasters of Adutor Basic A and B respectively, were unanimous in their appeal to parents to eschew the attitude of venting their anger on teacher whenever their wards are rebuked by teachers. They stated that no teacher takes delight in punishing student for no just reason. They said teachers administer various forms of punishment, as correctional measures in the positive interest of the students. They decried the attitudes of some miscreants in the society who use the classrooms for some nefarious activities, especially in the night. In that stead, they called on the members of the community to adopt the roles of citizen vigilantes in deterring people from engaging in such acts. The PTA chairmen of both schools Mr. Amedagbe and Mr. Christian Mawutor Amemasor took their turns to congratulate the awardees and urged the other students who did not win, to put in more efforts to achieve better results in their future exams. They also thanked the benefactors for organizing such a great event and asked them to do, all they could, to institutionalize and maintain the award system. In a speech presented on behalf of SOW Ghana International by its director of Budget and Operations, Mr. Dzidzienyo Ahiati emphasized the need for all hands to be brought on deck to help in shaping the future of the young ones. He said SOW Ghana international will not renege on its efforts to help in diverse ways to improve the quality of education in deprived area, with the Adutor circuit as its launch-pad in achieving its aim. He stated that the NGO is working hand-in-hand with some stake holders in the various communities to uplift the livelihood of the people, not just in the area of Education, but Health and Agriculture as well. He said it is his Organisation’s hope to expand the award system to cater for other satellite communities in the Adutor locality, in the subsequent events. He urged the Awardees not to go to sleep, but to put in more efforts in order to achieve higher laurels and also asked those who did not win to aspire to be winners the next time. He pledged his Organisation’s unflinching resolve to improve teaching and learning in the rural areas, saying “this is just the beginning”. The Education Supervisor of the Adutor Circuit, Mr. Abbey, was full of praise for SOW Ghana International for the Awards, but was quick to plead with them to include the teachers in the Award System, since they serve as the fountain from which knowledge flows to the students, that motivating them will add more bite to the purpose of the awards. He said he is of very strong belief that the awards system will serve as source of inspiration to the students. He tasked other individuals and organisations to emulate SOW Ghana International’s gesture to help build a better society for all. The assembly member of the Adutor electoral area, Mr. Azaglo who was also the chairman of the ceremony, said just like Oliver Twist, he appealed to the Organizers to also take a critical look at the deteriorating infrastructure in the various schools in the area and extend their hands of help there as well He sadly noted that among the Awardees, was only one girl, Miss Angela Kporfor, so added more from his own pocket to her award and encouraged other girls to learn harder in order to benefit from such initiatives, so as to make their future brighter. . He said, one thing that touched him the most about the event was the way the two schools responded so beautifully to the call and participated in the preparatory events leading to the actual ceremony. He said, it is his fervent hope and prayer that this would chart a new united course in the forward movement of the town. He said his office will go the full length to keep the flame ignited by SOW Ghana International burning. Master John Torgbuiga, speaking on behalf of his colleagues awardees, thanked SOW Ghana International for their benevolent gesture and reiterated their preparedness to stand up to reciprocate the gesture by learning harder to make the award a worthy exercise. He said, as winners, they are very much aware of the level of competition the instituted award system is going bring among the student body but assured that they welcoming it, noting it is going to be a very healthy one that will inspire them to soar higher. Miss …………. Spoke on behalf of the teachers and said the awards will go a long way to make the work of the teachers a bit easier, since it will be of great motivation to the students, resulting into better academic performance which is every teacher’s ultimate desire for his/her students. She expressed her profound appreciation to all who contributed their token to make the awards see the light of day. She asked for God’s grace to make subsequent awards much greater and bigger.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 14:02:51 +0000

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