SPARE A THOUGHT FOR JOB SIKHALA Sunday Special With Itai - TopicsExpress


SPARE A THOUGHT FOR JOB SIKHALA Sunday Special With Itai Dzamara JUST like with many from across the political divide, l have also had close interactions with him. Can be very controversial and difficult to understand, yet endowed with massive fire of energy and the trait of being outspoken. Job Wiwa Sikhala can say anything anytime, including totally uncouth and unprintable things, yet being one of the few political players who enjoy presenting home truths, objectively. Sikhalas story of today is very pregnant and emblematic of the national story of political struggle, leadership and governance. After an eventful spell in student leadership, where his maverick nature inevitably captured attention, Job had to be part of an historic moment in the history of national politics - formation of the MDC in 1999. That is now deep in the archives and not the subject here. Job became one of the crop of young MPs after the 2000 elections, and, he has his piece of history through stunts and energetic performances in parliament, replete with unflinching resistance and defiance of the status quo. That became part of Jobs image and brand. Still, well established in the archives, and not the subject here. For, the matter is about today, Job and very crucial processes on the national political stage. Zimbabwe is at a crossroads. The nation is in the trenches, yet again, and desperately searching for an answer to the leadership crisis. I have no doubt a lot is looming on the horizon. Yet, a lot still depends on the MDC and its leader Morgan Tsvangirai. I reiterate that the current national challenges of political, leadership and governance crises, require the MDC to use its power of mass support and mobilisation, to tackle and resolve them. I have dwelt on the dynamics and obvious analyses behind that point in several articles, but, suffice to say that, Tsvangirai and the MDC have the mass support to be able to pull it through. That places Job under the spotlight. The MDC has gone through ups and downs in the last decade. It has had a cocktail of fortunes, ranging from having defeated Zanu PF, to attracting a lot of criticism over what is viewed as a slump in traction, commitment and focus towards completing the democratic, political struggle. Assessments vary, but one of the prominent of them is what can be taken to be reduced capacity and energy to mobilise, within the MDC leadership. I share the view that the MDC has gradually descended into a state of lacking its former firepower and capacity for mass mobilisation, and, that is the sole reason behing Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF having no significant threat during the last 12 months, despite them having soiled and destroyed just about everything in the country. Enter Job, who earlier this year rejoined the MDC, after what some regard as a sojourn in the wilderness, but what l view as a very brave and plausable attempt. Job moved out of the MDC with the Welshman Ncube group in 2005, but, in 2010, he formed his own party, the MDC99. In all fairness, the MDC99 remained under the shadow of Jobs public image of being a maverick, outspoken and even controversial politician. I admired Jobs courage, ambition and commitment towards finding ways to influence and change the political situation in the country, although his party never took off. It remained a small cat permanently tucked somewhere in his briefcase. Varying views have been offered, over Jobs decision to rejoin the MDC, but l honestly believe it was a realistic and practical appreciation on Jobs part, of the capacity of MDC99 and the reality on the ground, especially pertaining to the democratic and political struggle. That brings the question. Will Sikhala bring new impetus to the MDC? He is in a very tight contest for the position of deputy organising secretary, to which Thamsanqa Mahlangu and Costa Machingauta have been nominated. I predict a photo finish between Sikhala and Mahlangu, with Jobs charisma and grassroots popularity capable of pushing him through. Still, regional influence and balance may swing it into Mahlangus favour, who may ride on his home provinces of Matabelelands cushion. Whatever the case, Sikhala is back in the fold, and, the question remains, of whether or not he will bring back the fire and energy in the MDC. Now with a huge tummy and even bigger frame, Sikhala may no longer be able to hit the ground running as he used to do, in leading marches and demonstrations. He may have to get into the gym and do a rigorous training programme. I have no doubt that the national politics are in circumstances that call for the Sikhala who is famously known for action, to step up, the moment he is confirmed into a new position in the MDC at the end of this month. Does Job still have it, that remains the question? Or, has he grown older and in the process lost some of the fire? Observing from a distance, Job appears largely unchanged, going by his speeches at rallies or communications through social networks. I attended a couple of rallies this year where Sikhala addressed, and, which were dominated by expression and reflection of his enduring massive appeal and popularity. The crowd would always go into a frenzy when he rose to greet them or address, with shouts of Wiwa, Wiwa, drowning the scene. There is no doubting his charm and aura in that regard. Almost all his speeches were of a consistent nature and he characteristically stopped at nothing in articulating the need for the people of Zimbabwe to rise against the Mugabe dictatorship. Zvokwadi zvokwadi awa mashura atinoitirwa naMugabe okuti kanoda kutitonga kusvikwa kave nemakore 100. Bodo hazvibviri izvozvo. Ini ndaramba (It is an insult by Mugabe that he desires to continue ruling us all the way to getting at 100 years of age. I say no, and we should not allow that, Sikhala told an MDC bumper crowd at a rally in May, sending them into a frenzy. The outspoken politicians facebook account is very popular and Sikhala can shock everyone by posting very controversial and even reckless things, which cause heads to turn and eyebrows to be raised. He can easily attract attention through brazenly reckless, defamatory and even uncouth posts on his wall, yet, which make him popular with some of his followers and supporters. The Zanu PF regime has contributed in toughening Sikhala, who has been arrested over 40 times during the past 16 years, including having survived episodes of torture and blatant attempts at his life. As Sikhala braces for a second dance with the politics of the hugely-supported MDC, and a head-on collision with the Zanu PF regime, two major questions shall determine his effectiveness. Have more years brought maturity and calmeness when it is needed, and to combine with his overflowing enthusiasm and energy? And, Sikhala will surely be closely watched by his colleagues and supporters to see if he would not create problems or conflict through his maverick and outspoken nature. For, indeed, Job can rock and revive the firepower crucially needed in the MDC. Yet, the same man can easily cause conflict and fights, even capable of walking out at the drop of the hat. One thing his guaranteed, Job always makes his presence felt.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 06:52:46 +0000

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