SPARE FEW MINUTES TO READ 18/9/2014. ॐ - TopicsExpress


SPARE FEW MINUTES TO READ 18/9/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः । Divine Atmans, as we saw, you are always liberated, free, pure, and eternal entity. Sat, Chit, Anand (Truth, Being, Ecstasy), is your Swabhav (Temperament). You need not be prey to any Pundits for undergoing any ritual. You are fine as you are. Your any activity will drift you away from your Nij-Swrup (Self True Form), away from Sat-Chit-Anand. Your mind in connivance with Pundits is digging pit to burry you. Your entire activity during life is digging a pit for you to burry in. It is as true as it is. Any sane and awakened person can see this stark truth. But you cant because you are fast asleep. Your run for life has always ended in death. Every time you ran to find life. Your intention was right and genuine but unfortunately every time it ended in your death. Each time you ran for life and each time you met with death. Your very run is blindly towards death. You are blindfolded. You have tied darkening bands upon your eyes. These bands are that of your believes. They are that of your dogmatic ideas about religion. They are that of your ignorance. They are that of your misconceptions about Liberation, Bhakti, Gyan and Karmayoga. Have you ever bothered about this? Have you ever enquired where you went wrong that each time, instead of imbibing life, you met with death? Where you went wrong? It can be understood that one time it can so happen. But millions of times it has happened. Millions of time you ran for life and each time you met with death. My divine Atman, you are not meant for death. You are meant for eternity. You are meant for elixir. But your travel has landed you in the land of poison. Something is wrong somewhere. The reason behind all these failures is your blind efforts. My very simple emphasis is you shun efforts. You shun all your commotion. You shun your outward travel. Your outward travel has always led you to death. Eternity is within. To travel within, you need make no effort. Your effortlessness leads you within. Your commotion leads you toward outside. Outside is Sansar, inside is Parmatma. Outside is death, inside is eternity. Outside is poison, inside is elixir. Outside is death and inside is life. But millions of times you have repeated this blunder, because you are fast asleep. To initiate, you come out of sleep. To shun sleep, first you must realize that you are sleeping. To ascertain whether you are sleeping or awakened, I can give you a simple litmus test. Suppose you are an enforcement officer and you are raiding a commercial establishment. Same way you raid on yourself all of sudden and try to see where you are at that point of time? If you are in past, or you are in future, or you are at the place, where you are presently not, then conclude that you are fast asleep. If you are remembering the past experiences, images, impressions, remembrances, you are in dreams, and dreams can only happen when you are asleep. If you are building castles in air and planning for the future in imagination, you are seeing daydreams, and conclude that you are asleep. If you find yourself now and here, with all knowledge and sanity, conclude that you have awakened. This awakening happens to you also, but sporadically, in the times of sudden fear of death, sudden ecstasy, or when you get your long cherished thing or person. But it is temporary. Those are the moments you never forget. They directly are stored in your hard drive. They are your permanent remembrances. If it be everlasting, then it is awakening. That is awakened state of mind. More tomorrow. हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ।
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:46:07 +0000

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