SPARE US THE HYPOCRISY. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE… I hate hypocrisy. It goes without saying that I hate hypocrites. I didn’t watch the Citizen news yesterday, but I can figure out what the clip about the Loropil girls was all about. I’m shocked beyond words that everyone pretends to be shocked. Shocked about what! What did you expect from a County where more than half of the Citizens live below the poverty line (on less than Ksh. 88 per day)? Given Ksh. 100, half the population in Baringo would rather buy food, save for school fees, buy a second hand piece of clothe for their kid and related stuff! Lets be realistic. Some of us seem to live in utopia, in some cocoon. Citizen did not report anything out of the ordinary. I bet those pretending to be shocked have never been to their rural homes in years and hence to them, information to the effect that someone slept on an empty stomach yester night or some kid went to school without breakfast is equally shocking to them! Well, for your FYI, these are things that happen everyday and require a holistic approach in order to solve them. You can raise funds to distribute sanitary towels in Loropil in reaction to that news clip, but how about the girls in Loywet, Lawan, Rondinin, Barsemoi, Akwichatis, Koiboware, Ng’elecha and related places? How about that girl/boy who slept hungry last night or the one who failed to register for KCPE coz his/her parents couldn’t afford? This is a dilemma that we face as a Nation. We are reactive. We relish treating the symptoms. And lest I forget, do those girls in Loropil and elsewhere require Laptops or Sanitary towels? My personal, well thought out Opinion.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:00:09 +0000

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