SPCA 11/11/13 and 11/13/13 How do you like those dates? I - TopicsExpress


SPCA 11/11/13 and 11/13/13 How do you like those dates? I missed 11/12/13 but it was still neat to record those dates on the dogs cards! :-) Back to the SPCA! Mondays weather was a typical beautiful day, but today was so unbelievably cold! I had to resort to a winter jacket with a hood, the wind blowing across the field was bone chilling! Boy, I thought the dogs would not want to be out for any length of time, wrong! They seemed to be energized and wanted to go and go all over the place for crisp walks. I have some good news for Porky, the little turtle , ( he hid under his bed). He was adopted by the Australian Rescued group. He will go to a foster home, hopefully to get him use to people and a new environment. Bless his little heart. Mindy will probably go to the rescue as soon as they find a foster home. I have spent a lot of time with her, taking her to areas that she was scary for her. I watched a couple who wanted to see her. Mindy kept her back to them the whole time. When she came back into the cage, the worker said she tried to bite the people several times. So , hopefully a foster home will be good for her too. She trust only the people who have taken care of her for so long. On Monday, I took out a 7 month Pit Bull/ Lab out for a walk. He didnt look to heavy but after walking little 25 pound puppies, have made my muscle turn to mush! LOL. He was about 35 to 40 pounds and what a difference ! They told me to take a toy out so he could carry it in his mouth or else he would pull on the leash. He did take the hard rubber toy out but the leash was fair game and a lot more fun because I was connected to it! I took him out again today. He didnt really care about me on Monday , but today I was the fair game! I asked for a small soft toy, he thought that was great fun. I walked in circles as he would throw the toy in the air and jump on it going all around me. He would even bring it over to me, as if to say , Go ahead pick it up! Have you ever put your hands in the mouth of a crocodile? He was all puppy, not meaning any harm with those jaws, he just wanted to play. Cold weather didnt put a damper on him, I had to trick him to go inside, at least that is what I thought. We would get almost to the gate, then he would pretend he had to go! Finally , we did get inside. the toy was destroyed! It was great fun. He is lost, I really dont see P/B in him, he looks like a golden short hair Lab. I hope his owners come to shelter to take him home. Today, I walked a little 3 year old Boston Terrier/ Dash hound, named Riley. she was a funny looking little dog. Again, I thought she was so small , no problems with pulling on the leash! Boy was I wrong, she was a little power house! She allowed me to walk her but she loved the young man who feeds and cleans the cages. He was busy doing his job outside and all she wanted to do was follow him, if I wouldnt walk over to him, she would just sit and watch his every movement. When he went inside , so did we! He thinks she is adorable, she ate it up. I had asked if she was a mans dog, they said no, infarct she doesnt like men! Well, this young man has her heart. Now to my sweet heart, R. Velvet. She is officially on the SPCA site ready for adoption. She is still the biggest cuddle bug outside the cage. She even wants me to hug her inside the cage, too. I had told you last week it took a long time to walk across the parking lot, well on Monday and today, she had no problem walking any where I would take her! On her card , they said she doesnt like walking too far. But this week , she had faith that I will protect her and everything will be fine. ( at least that is what I like to think.), actually she is a fast learner. After I had left on Monday, I was worried about her again, because they said she might go to a foster home. I am afraid that she might love being with a family but then to be changed to another complete strangers, Her trust might be shaken. I had watched a couple visit with her in the hallway, I stayed far away and went out side with another dog, but I felt like a mother hoping her baby would do well. Crazy, I know! But today, I have more hope for her, she really is a smart dog and can learn fast, plus she is just my sweet heart! Of course I had to walk my other two lovies, Pippie and Dodger. I was told only 2 more weeks and they can be adopted. They are so loveable and still want to roll around on my lap, so I wear gloves, change my clothes as soon as I get home, and let the puppies have fun. Cant wait to see them get a forever home, they will love their families! So until the next time, take it easy. I enjoyed my very cold day with the critters, as usual!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:01:36 +0000

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