SPEAK OUT IN THE ERA OF WARMONGERING! @PIYA MAYENIN Our Planet is being bombed left right and center. The pictures of children in horrific scenes are numbing us. The mass killing of innocent civilians are tolerated in the 21st Century??? The middle ages were better than this! What is happening??? Isnt civilisation supoosed be getting stronger and better? Please tell me whats whappening? The Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to “protect Israel.” According to the documents, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.” After gathering the most fanatical terrorists in the world in one place, a veritable army of real terror was formed and filled with bloodthirsty murderers, who film their atrocities and post them to the Internet. Lets look at the whole picture in the era of KLLING HUMANITY! Syria and Iraq are being bombed by America and Britain. while Israel bombs Russian anti aircraft sites in Syria ( it has done before) America is planning war with Russsia and UK will have to go in too by Treaty signed inn 1994. Meanwhile Guantanamo bay torture is un-investigated - hatred on Islam is spread, The mind boggles! Leaders must be accountable... We need truth as to what is going on... WE MUST SPEAK OUT...THIS IS OUR PLANET...OUR CHILDRENS FUTURES...HUMANITY’S FUTURE. Bombing civilians, women and children must stop immediately!! The scenes are horrific. It could be any one of us in that situation. Think. People we must not let Word War 3 take place!! @Piya Mayenin americanfreepress.net/?p=19176 dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2570335/Former-British-Ambassador-Moscow-warns-Russia-invaded-Ukraine-difficult-avoid-going-war.html jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Hezbollah-drones-anti-aircraft-missiles-destroyed-in-Syria-attack-opposition-claims-383962 jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/WATCH-Video-of-alleged-Israeli-airstrike-in-Syria-383916
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 23:55:15 +0000

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