SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE DOES NOT MEAN LOVE AT ALL COSTS Christians are commanded to speak the truth in love and to do all things through love (Ephesians 4:15; 1 Corinthians 16:14); however, that does not mean love at all costs. It does not mean withholding sound Christian doctrine from people and replacing it with things that tickle peoples ears, nor does it mean to compromise Gods standards of holiness and godliness to become as much like the world as possible. Anyway it is impossible to have genuine love without truth. Love without truth is liar that leaves endangered people on their path to destruction. Knowledgeable Christians who are dedicated teachers are desperately needed in the Church to teach and educate others, because it was recently revealed that only 1 in 10 professed Christians in the Church have a thorough understanding of Christianitys fundamental doctrines. Hundreds of Christians were quizzed over basic Bible doctrines, and it was discovered that most of them do not know how to use scripture to confirm Christianitys fundamental doctrines, such as the deity of Christ, the Trinity, the virgin birth of Christ, the bodily resurrection of Christ, the attributes of God, the doctrine of sin and the sin nature, salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone, Christs substitutionary atonement for humanitys sins, the doctrine of regeneration, etc. A thorough knowledge of the scriptures is important because there is so much deception out here in this world. People fall victim to deception primarily because they do not know their Bibles well and do not engage in enough personal Bible study. Also a growing number of pastors are not teaching their congregations the meat and vegetables of Christian doctrine as they should, instead they are giving their congregations alternative things that are unbiblical and worldly. Speaking the truth in love is important and very good, but we must not compromise sound doctrine, rebuke and exhortation, and church discipline for the sake of love and political correctness.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:14:35 +0000

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