SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Our INDIEGOGO campaign launches TODAY! After two years without a release we will be recording a new album at Getaway Recording Studio, with Jay Maas of Defeater. Jay has worked with Counterparts, Bane, Citizen and many more amazing bands, and we couldnt be more excited to work with him on our new music. As an unsigned band we have absolutely no record label backing or financial support from anyone but ourselves. Added challenge: were poor. So in order to get the funding for this album we have set up an IndieGoGo campaign which gives you guys, our amazing friends and fans, the chance to be directly involved in the making this record possible. Were offering some awesome exclusive pre-order packages as incentives to donate to our album including: - Limited edition T-shirt or sweatshirt - Screen printed poster - Deluxe merch package - Contribute lyrics and even a guest vocal/instrument performance - Pizza party with us! - And much more If youre unable to donate there are many more ways you can help us. Without using Facebooks “Pay-to-post”, 75% of our fans cant even see this post in their news feeds. Please help us get this news and campaign everywhere by: - Sharing this post directly to your timeline - Tweeting and retweeting the link to our campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #anchorlinesigg - Copying the Youtube link for our video and posting it everywhere Youtube videos are postable - Posting our video or promotional graphic on Tumblr (Can be found on our Twitter at Twitter/AnchorlinesNH) - Posting about us on Instagram with the hashtag #anchorlinesigg - Telling everyone you see about the campaign! Please help us reach our goal and make this new album happen. We cant thank you all enough for the amazing support youve given us, and were asking you to join us now in creating the best album that the entire Anchorlines family is capable of. --- DONATE HERE: igg.me/at/Anchorlines ---
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 16:00:08 +0000

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