SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DEDICATION TO THE PRESIDENT ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Morgan Tsvangirai was born in the Buhera area in then Southern Rhodesia to Karanga parentage through his father Dzingirai-Chibwe Tsvangirai and mother Lydia Tsvangirai (nee Lydia Zvaipa) . He is the eldest of 9 children and son of a Communal farmer, mine worker, carpenter and bricklayer. He did his primary education at st Marks Gonese Primary School Hwedza and transfered by his father to Chikara Primary School Gutu then he went to Silveira. He did his Secondary education at Gokomere High School. After leaving with 8 ordinary levels in April 1972 he landed his first job as a trainee weaver Elastic & Tapes textile factory in Mutate In 1974 an old schoolmate from Silveira encouraged Morgan to apply for an advertised job as an apprentice for Anglo Americas Bindura Nickel Mine in Mashonaland Central. He spent ten years at the mine rising from plant operator to plant supervise. His current rural home is Buhera which is 220km from South East of Harare Tsvangirai married his first wife Susan born 1978. The couple had 6 children during their 31 year marriage which ended wit the death in 2009 car crush .... intended to kill Tsvangirai He is married his second wife Elizabeth Macheka ( born 1976) ... mother of 3 on the 15th of September 2012 and the two have been happily married ever since. POLITICAL HISTORY At independence in 1980 Morgan Tsvangirai who was then aged 28 joined the then Zanu pf party led by the dictator who was later to become his biggest political rival Robert Mugabe. Tsvangirai is report to have been an ardant Mugabe supporter and to have risen swiftly in the hierarchy eventually to become one of the partys senior officials. He is also known for his role in the Zimbabwe trade Union movement where he held the position of branch Chairman of the Associated Mine Workers Unionsnd was latter elected into the Executive of the National Mine Workers Union. In 1989 he became the Secretary General of the. ZCTU Tsvangirai led the ZCTU away from the Zanu of dictator. As his power and that of the movement grew his relationship with the Government deteriorated . He survived 3 assassination attempts including one in 1997 wen unknown assailants burst into his 10th floor office and tried to throw him out..... through ths window Morgan Tsvangirai is the only National leader after Joshua Nyongolo Nkomo who us loved by all tribes in the including the Ndebeles who Mugabe hate with a passion. Morgan Tsvangirai didnt disappoint the Matebeleland folks as he rewarded Bulawayo, Matebeleland North and Matebeleland with influential Standing Committee positions through popular vote and not by favour. The appointment of Khalipani Phugeni as one of his Shadow Cabinet is a momentous occasion. This signaled the fact that tribe is not an issue nor a barrier for our president as UNFAIRLY claimed by his detractors If you consider the young and promising talent has been given a huge portfolio not withstanding the fact that he is in the Diaspora Morgan Tsvangirai is indeed the right Commander-In-Ch ief to lead the OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL party. Matebeleland and Bulawayo like all other 12 provinces will remain the strongholds of the MDC-T and will combine forces to UNSEAT Mugabe. Mugabe has tried but dismally failed to steal the limelight from the MAN FROM BUHERA in Matebeleland by sponsoring FAKE political parties led by Welshman Ncube, Dumiso Dabengwa and now Sipepa Nkomo ... people willl support Tsvangirai till the ends Zimbabweans and the international community are you READY TO JOIN HANDS AND HEADS WITH THE FACE OF THE STRUGGLE MORGAN TSVANGIRAI AND DEFEND THE COUNTRY FROM mugabe? Are ready ??? MERRY CHRISTMAS 1 Corinthians 16:9 The greatest and effectual door has been OPENED unto you EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL is the MDC-T motto and policy
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 08:36:53 +0000

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