SPECIAL MEETING WITH REV KEN OYAKHILOME, 4TH APRIL 2014. Not only is this year our year of greatness, it is our month of placement. God puts some plans in place and satan tries to mess things up. You might be questioning, it is my year of greatness why is it that there is no money in my bank account, why is it that my business is not growing, why is it that I have loss my job etc, what you need to know is that the devil has no new tricks, his tricks are still the same. Genesis 6:1- when the man of God declared this year the year of greatness, it doesnt matter what negative circumstances might come your way, for the devil would want you to think that God did not mean what He said 1 Corinthians 2:1- 13 It means our greatness is from God and by walking in the Word of God, if I know that this is my year of greatness, I must hold on to the Word of God. I have become independent of circumstances, you are not dependent of circumstances, youre functioning in an environment that you cannot be destructible. The things that have been given to us freely are Spiritual things and we must speak these things all the time to see them happen in our lives. These are things which the Spirit of God teaches. Use the Word release by our Man of God to regulate your circumstances, stay in the environment of that Word. The Psalmist said before I was afflicted I went astray. The Word of God should form the right circumstances around you. Every time you take in the Word of God your divinity is increased and your humanity is decreased. God uses a man that He has trained, God has a plan for you because of the things you hear every time in the house of God, they kingly Words, youre not cheap, youre expensive. The Word of the Lord is the Lamp unto your feet, and the light unto your path. Jesus said if you follow, you shall not walk in darkness but walk in the light of life. We are the light of the world. Things are going to happen but dont let them get your attention because this is your year of greatness. 1 Peter 2:9 this is for me, Im chosen, Im royalty not ordinary, Im peculiar, called out of darkness into the kingdom of light, Im lighting up my world. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage, Im the seed of Abraham . 2 Peter 1: 1-4 the more we take in Gods Word the more grace is increased, the more peace is increased. We are havers, were the blessed of the Lord. Youre an associate of the God-kind, that means I cannot fail. I dont fail, youre a success, people might have low opinion of you but God has high opinion of you, at the end its Gods report that matters. Gloryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:39:53 +0000

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