SPECIAL NEW YEAR MESSAGE.....CANT GET EACH AND EVERY PUDDING IN...SO CLOSE YOUR EYES AND SEE THEM ALL.............l LEEANNE WRITES FOR THE LAST TIME IN 2014 2014 started with not the loss of one of our oldest dogs, but with the saddest death of one of our youngest supporters. Maddie, just 10 years old, had an anaphylactic shock on the 14th January at 5pm, dying in her mothers arms. This shocking, still unexplained passing, reshaped her families lives and sent a deep sadness through the animal world, a world so close to this beautiful young old souls beliefs. Twilight wept with many, and will do all it can to always remember little Maddie’s love of the old puddings. The wash room was finally finished … and how mighty this addition is. Allowing for those urgent and maintenance washes … especially for Holly who needed them at least twice daily. So so many contributed to this, it is a remarkable tribute to the followers and carers of Twilight. In March we hung Maddies plaque here as part of the Wash room opening, and Maddie’s birthday saw her family celebrate what would have been her 11th birthday, planting a cherry tree in the Twilight garden. It was our second tree of cherries, as we had sadly lost our Holly to the internal damage of her disability, and buried her in the garden. Holly, a precious and brave girl, that we shall never forget. Yes, the cycle of the Twilight life. The numbers this year have once again stopped us in our tracks as we look back. With 29 current residence, an incredibly 15 in number that we re-homed (which given we do not really re-home … we thought was quite something) and of course, very sadly, 28 of the puddings who passed over the rainbow bridge. Yes, 72 puddings have passed through and shared our little home. Sitting now as I write, with 18 of the current babes sharing our 4.5mx4m living room … I smile, we have indeed become dog … we love it. Remember, no kennels or outdoor living here, we are all family. You have been incredible in your support. 72 dogs take some feeding, mighty vet bills to give them all they need, and every care they deserve, down even to being helped to sleep if failing health needs that helping hand. You have been part of Emma’s dogs dinners, told stories, held Vides and fairs, quizzes, Dogs rock music fest, sold books, had tea parties, made crafts, bought us a washing machine, and a dryer, held race nights, swops and sales, whist drives, saved your brown stuff, supported our dog show and Christmas fete, been part of the mighty Hope volunteer team, worn your Cool to be kind wrist band, joined in the Face book Online auctions and Linda’s mighty events, or sent surprise parcels from your knitting or goodies through Zooplus. Bought us washing powder, disinfectant or treats. You have made 72 old dogs safe, comfortable, and secure with all they need. Incredible. Of the 28 that passed, all bounding we hope, pain free and mischievous … we especially remember this year …Mimi, Holly, Hope, Stevie, Robin, Batman and Nana. We so loved you all, whether here for a few days or years, it was Mike and I’s privilege to share your last days with you. Now Sabre, 14, enters his 4th year with us, Quito 18 months and Teddy 16 months …. And much longer to come we hope. This year we have learnt we need help. Volunteers have become friends, washing, grooming, gardening and even Poo picking. Sitters various have allowed us breaks, something we too have realised we need to keep in tip top form for the 24/7 care of the puddings. This year we made local and National press in France, also French radio. We did turn down French TV … things just moving a little too fast for us, and with advertising comes more doggie requests … and we are just two pairs of hands … albeit with big hearts, we have had to learn our limitations. Face Book has over 1,850 likes now with a regular weekly following of over 5000 views, whilst the website has just under 4,000 viewing a month. Humble old Mike and I find this following and support quite remarkable … just for the two of us and our old puddings. Wouldn’t it be a far better world if we didn’t have to do this. But as we do, and we are thrilled to see so many more folks taking an oldie into their pack …. we thank you for letting us continue. Without your support, be it with your old bedding for a houseful of incontinent woofers, disinfectant, funds for food and vets etc … we really couldn’t do what we do. And your moral support is mighty too, as we do get tired and we do cry … we are so glad you are all there. As Maddie’s first anniversary looms so does the finishing touches to her lasting and indeed living memorial here at Twilight. Maddie’s cabin, which will help with any isolation needs or specific sick care, will be launched at the end of January. The building and financing of this has come entirely with the love of Maddie from her family and you her friends. As 2014 draws to a close and 2015 looms … we are full. We have dogs found tied to trees locally, dogs from around France and the globe, all are over 10 years old, unless disabled as our paraplegic Basil, or blind like our little Farley. Our waiting list is full too …. And the phone and emails still ask for more places. We cannot dwell on the sad and overwhelming aspect of rescue, or we would drown in emotion that would break us down. We thrive on the love and resilience of these courageous and deeply loving and forgiving souls. We love sharing our life with them. And we love and thank you for wanting to share in our mad hatter little world. Thank you for making the difference and providing the means for an old dog to end its life when it is meant to and with all it needs for comfort, good health and care. All the old puddings, with Mike and I, wish you a very happy and healthy 2015. Bless you all for caring.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:54:55 +0000

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