SPECIAL WELCOME TO ALL OUR NEW MEMBERS: This is The Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries Official Facebook Group. On behalf of our general oversea, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, we welcome you in this official Facebook forum of The Lords Chosen Church. Our official name is THE LORDS CHOSEN ONLINE REVIVALIST OUR VISIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS:.. 1). TO cause a serious mobile Evangelism. 2). To cause grass root Revival all over the world coupled with apostolic christian experiences among the body of Christ through social network. 3). To update the people with the latest information and news happening world wide. 4). Operation Recover the lost (sinners) back to God. 5). To unite all the christian bodies world wide. 6). To shine as light to the world, knowing fully well that Christ in us is HOPE OF ALL GLORY. 8). Revival of heavenly consciousness among the body of Christ (HEAVEN@LAST). 9). Our second name is HEAVEN SEEKERS. All our post and activities here are for the Purification and Edification of your spiritual life. Theres urgent Mandate given to our general pastor which is capturing and winning of 10billion souls. Please we want to appeal to all our new members to please add and invite all their friends into this forum so that they can be transformed through the message of our general pastor knowing fully well that JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON. HIS BANNER OVER US IS LOVE. EVEN ON FACEBOOK JESUS IS LORD.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:34:18 +0000

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