SPEECH AT THE BY OPENING CEREMONY OF THE TRAINIG OF FEMALE SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND STAFF ADVISORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL PEACE CLUBS PRESENT BY ALH. IBRAHIM SANI, MEMBER CITAD BAUCHI ADVISORY COMMITTEE. It gives me a great pleasure to make the opening speech of this important training of Female Teachers. I called it important not for the importance of the packages to be taught at the training but also for the importance of the caliber of people to be trained. To us in CITAD we consider the training of female trainees of whatever caliber to be very important because of the role women play in training the society. Therefore, by training female secondary school teachers we are targeting three outcomes. First is that if the teachers are trained they will step down the training to their students at schools. Secondly, they will also be training their children at home and thirdly through this training we are expecting to provide means of livelihood to many young girls after their secondary education. It is important to note that the ICT profession can be done within the confines of the home so that when women get married and opt out to remain at home, they could continue to engage professionally and have dependable source of income The focus of the project is to support programmes that would involve more women and girls in computer science-related opportunities. The training will equip the participants with knowledge on Basic ICTs, and entrepreneurial skills (Trade Skills that include Video coverage, Film editing, Graphics, Photocopy and Desktop publishing) to enable the participants to have relevant information and skills that would assist them in establishing their businesses in their communities. It will last for a period of 5 days. We opted to include training of teachers because that is the surest way of getting more girls to learn about ICTs. Without teachers, the students in schools cannot be taught. We thought that this modification of our project to accommodate teachers will help the state government in enhancing the capacity of its teachers to teach ICTs in schools. This is very important given that now a computer studies is not only compulsory but also an examinable suggest at both NECO and WASC. It is our hope that even in schools where there are no computers, the trained teachers will establish computer clubs for the students so that through the club they can not only learn about computers but also learn how to use them, and eventually make a profession out of it. We at CITAD are ready to support such clubs through further training for the teachers as well as training for the students as well as linking them with sources of support where they could get ICT facilities for the schools. Even though the project is meant to train women and girls in Kano state, given our understanding with Bauchi State Ministry of Education, we thought it is important to extent the gesture by partnering with the Ministry to train 20 female teachers. Concurrently we also plan to train another set of 20 teachers that will serve as patrons of Students Peace Clubs in 20 schools in the state. In this we are looking in to how students can deploy ICTs for the promotion of peace and curbing insecurity in the state. Part of our plan in this, is that each school that establishes students’ peace club will have a website that can be used not only for the purpose of peace clubs activities but also for general information about the school. This will promote not only the schools but the ministry of education and the state in general. At this juncture I want advice the trainees to demonstrate their pedagogical attitude to learn what is expected of them so as to effectively step down the training to their colleagues and students as expected of them. I will also venture here to assert that we will be ready at all times to partner with any individual or group that have the intention of promoting education especially using ICTs as a tool. I thank you very much for given your time to be here with us and wish the trainees a fruitful and effective training sessions. We thank the Ministry, and especially the Hon Commissioner and the Management staff as well as the principals of the schools for making this possible. We assure the Ministry and the schools our continuous support for the improvement of learning outcomes in our schools. We also wish to thank the Management of the Federal Polytechnic, especially its Rector and MD Consult for allowing us to hold this opening ceremony here.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 10:47:30 +0000

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