SPEECH BY THE AMIR, MUSLIM STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF NIGERIA (MSSN) TASUED BRANCH, USTADH MUSTAPHA YAHYA ADERODUN, AT THE AUSPICIOUS DAWAH CAMP 2 PROGRAMME AT AIYEPE CENTRAL MOSQUE, AIYEPE, OGUN STATE, NIGERIA. I seek refuge in Allah, the Lord of all Majesty. He is Allah, The Most Beneficient, The Most Merciful. May his choicest of all Blessings be upon the final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Brothers and Sisters, Assalam Alaykum Warahmotullahi Wabarakatuhu! Let me begin my short speech by first giving endless thanks to Almighty Allah for making the successful hosting of this semesters DAWAH CAMP 2 & for protecting us down here despite the challenges we encountered on the way here to Aiyepe Central Mosque, Aiyepe, Ogun State. It is my greatest compunction for the saddening upturn of situation that happened yesterday when our brothers and sisters who were on their way to the campsite, the hitches on the way was caused by some miscreants and societal hoodlums who attacked the bus conveying sisters-populated delegates to the Camp-venue, and several properties were lost but Alhamdulilah no casualties were recorded and Allah really took control of the sorry situation. As a muslim, when you deny someone an apology, you will remember it at time you beg forgiveness, An apology is the extra-glue of life. It can solve just about anything no matter what. On this note, The leadership of TASUED Ummah sincerely apologise to the entire Ummah for all inconveniences caused by us and especially to the affected brothers and sisters in the long-marcopolo bus Yesterday, Prophet Muhammad (s) said: “Whoever is offered an apology from a fellow Muslim should accept it unless he knows that the person apologizing is being dishonest.” Indeed, this is a trying time for TASUED Ummah as a whole as unexpected tribulations befell us, we need not to be bereaved by it all because as Muslims everything wont be rosy everyday, And Almighty Allah in the Glorious Quran said: “Be patient (in adversity); for, verily, God will not let the reward of the righteous be wasted.“— Q11, Verse 115. And also the words of our noblest of Mankind, Prophet Muhammad reported by Anas bin Malik complemented it, He said: “Verily, the patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.“ Our crooked expedition Yesterday was all about Jihad Striving to the course of Allah and our collective reward is with Almighty Allah, and Prophet Muhamamad (PBUH) said this about Jihad: The people who abandon Jihad fall a victim to humility and degradation and Jihad is obligatory for the Muslims. To fight against the infidels is Jihad; but to fight against your evil self is greater Jihad That episode was indeed traumatic and highly demoralising for the cabinet and the entire members of the society. However, the inflictions boosted our morale more vigorously pursuing the acquisition of more buses to convey delegates to the camp site this morning, Although, this hasnt happened in the history of MSSN TASUED but Allah is the disposer of affairs, he knows best all that happens and more so, nothing is bound to non-occurence in this life as for Allah wishes it to happen. We have not reached our destination with respect to provision of befitting buses and other facilities for the Ummah due to paucity of funds, but we are convinced that with Allah’s assistance and the support of you all, we will be more comfortable in our subsequent campings. Insha Allah! Let me inform you also that good plans are on ground for the transport proceedings for our JIHAD week excursion to Iyanmopo Hills, Igbeti, Oyo State and Old Oyo National Park on the 27th September, 2014. Notably, I also indulge all delegates to comport themselves while on camp-site no matter the difficulties experienced, lets know it is in the way of Almighty Allah and our rewards are magnanimous and we should as well obey the laid-down rules and regulations in the camp. Before I round off my speech, let me also appeal to our parents/guardians not to discourage their children for our subsequent camping event due to the preposterous situation of things that occured yesternight, such will be prevented some other time In Shaa Allah. Also, we use this medium to call on the security operatives to denounce the ownership of the SIM cards in the stolen phones as the hoodlums may use them to perpetrate evil acts. I pray Almighty Allah protect us all, grant the sicked ones quick recovery, better our lot and help the completion of our central Mosque. I wish you all success in your academic voyage and the forthcoming second semester examination, Jazakumullah Khayran! Distinguished Brothers and Sisters, I welcome you all once again to this occasion. Wasalam alaykum warahmotullahi wabarakatuhu
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 10:12:10 +0000

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