SPEECH CHOIR COMPETITION 2013 GUIDELINES AND MECHANICS 1. This competition is open to all MNHS-Main Third Year and Fourth Year students (One Section Representative for each cluster section of every third year and fourth year English Teacher.) 2. Each group shall consist of 25 to 30 members. Exceeding or Lacking of members from the given limit is subject for disqualification. 3. There shall be one (1) contest piece. The title of the contest piece is “The Champion” by Carman. 4. The Dramatic Speech Choir shall be observed. The piece is for modification depending on the group interpretation. 5. Each group shall be given 5-7 minutes to deliver the piece. For every increment of 1minute overtime, one point shall be deducted from the group’s over-all score. The time starts to count as the group executes their entrance or their sound effect (if there is) begins to play and will just stop from counting right after their exit. 6. Costumes and props are allowed but must be made of recycled and cheap materials. Over spending for costumes and props is strongly discouraged. Sound effects may be used as long as the choir can provide its own technical equipment and/or its technical requirements are within the limits of what the host can provide. 7. Each group shall exhibit discipline during the contest proper and shall remain to their assigned post while other group is performing. Misbehaviors and unpleasant actions that might destruct the contest are subject for disqualification. 8. The local elimination by year level will be on November 18-22, 2013 to be conducted by each subject teacher. Submission of entries for Grand Final will be due until November 22, 2013. The Grand Final will be on November 27, 2013 (1:00pm) at the school gym. 9. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable. 10. The criteria for judging are as follows: Interpretation (manner in which the piece is presented) - 30% Delivery (quality of voice, fluency, pronunciation, blending, harmony) - 30% Stage Presence (stage demeanor) - 25% Originality - 10% Costumes & Props (attire is related to the concept, sound production) - 5% Total-100% This is the official piece for dissemination: The Champion By Carman In the vast expanse of a timeless place, Where silence ruled the outer space, Ominously, towering it stood, The symbol of a spirit war Between the one name Lucifer, And the Morning Star, The ultimate of good. Enveloped by a trillion planets, Clean as lightning and hard as granite, A cosmic coliseum would host the end Of the war between the lord of sin and death, And the Omnipotent Creator of mans first breath, Who will decide who forever will be the Champion. The audience for the Fight of the Ages was assembled and in place. The angels came in splendor from a star. The saints that had gone before were there: Jeremiah, Enoch, Job. They were singing the Song of Zion on Davids harp. The demons arrived, offensive and vile, cursing and blaspheming God. Followed by their trophies dead and gone. Hitler, Napoleon, Pharaoh, Capone, Tormented and vexed and grieved. Waiting for their judgment From the Throne. Then a chill swept through the mammoth crowd and the demons squealed with glee, as a sordid, vulgar, repulsive essence was felt. Arrogantly prancing, hands held high, draped in a sparkling shroud Trolled by demons, Satan ascended from Hell. Then Satan cringed, the sinners groaned! The demons reeled in pain as a swell of power like silent thunder rolled With a surge of light beyond intense, illuminating the universe, In resplendent glory appeared the Son of God. Then a Persona, yes, Extraordinaire appeared in center ring. God the Father will oversee the duel. Opening the Book of Life, each grandstand hushed in awe as majestically He said, Now heres the rules. Hell be wounded for their transgressions, bruised for iniquities When He said, By His stripes theyre healed, the devil shook! He screamed, Sickness is my specialty. I hate that healing junk! God said, You shut your face, I wrote the book! Forty days and nights they fought, and Satan couldnt touch Him. Now the final blow saved for the final round. Prophetically Christs hands came down And Satan struck in vengeance! The blow of death felled Jesus to the ground. The devils roared in victory! The saints shocked and perplexed as wounds appeared upon His hands and feet. Then Satan kicked Him in His side, and blood and water flowed. And they waited for the 10 count of defeat. God the Father turned His head, His tears announcing Christ was dead! The 10 count would proclaim the battles end. Then Satan trembled through his sweat in unexpected horror, yet... As God started to count by saying, ...10... Hey wait a minute, God... ...9... Stop! Youre counting wrong... ...8... His eyes are moving... ...7... His fingers are twitching... ...6... Wheres all this Light coming from? ...5... Hes alive! ...4... Oh - nooooo! ...3... And yet, ...2... Oh...Yessssss! ...1... He has won! He has won! Hes alive forevermore! He is risen, He is Lord, He has won! He has won! Hes alive forevermore, He is risen! He is Lord! Proclaim the news in every tongue, Through endless ages and beyond Let it be voiced from mountains loud and strong Captivity has been set free, salvation bought for you and me Cause Satan is defeated, And Jesus is The Champion
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:23:29 +0000

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