SPEECH DELIVERD BY DAASEBRE KWEBU EWUSI VII, PRESIDENT OF THE CENTRAL REGIONAL HOUSE OF CHIEFS DURING THE VISIT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF GHANA, HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMA ON FRIDAY, 28TH FEBRUARY, 2014 HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF GHANA CENTRAL REGIONAL MINISTER, HON. (DR) SAMUEL SARPONG THE DIRECTOR, REGIONAL CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL REGIONAL HEADS OF SECURITY NANANOM THE PRESS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Nananom of the Central Regional House of Chiefs are very grateful and honoured to have you in our midst, we want you to accept our warm welcome to the Central Region. His Excellency, Nananom of the Region has few things to remind you of; 1. The stadium 2. The market 3. Creation of job in the Region Your Excellency we all know the topic of the day has been on corruption and we all aware as a Nation, corruption did not arrive in this Country just overnight. It has been in existence from ages, as it takes some time to fight sickness, so is corruption. It will take time in fighting against such a chronic disease like corruption. Therefore Nananom advice that you put stringent measures in place, to curb this menace. Also Nananom entreat all Ghanaians to pray for the President for wisdom and good health in order to have a peaceful mind to deliver, because too much indiscipline behaviour towards our President is killing the Nation. Ghana has a bright future if you and I play our individual roles well as citizens. Your Excellency I will like to lay emphasis on politics of insults. One can recall the fight against indiscipline by the late Aliu Mahama and President Mills. If politicians abuse this fight, then what are we talking about? We need better reforms in our day to day politics because Nananom will not sit down to see this kind of politics go on in the system and it must therefore be stopped. Failure to adhere to this advice, then indiscipline will be said to be planted by the politicians themselves who are policy makers as well. It will be unfortunate if it happens so, because young politicians should emulate good practices and polite ways of addressing issues rather than the use of insults. I must say, politicians will have strong questions to answer if our political trend continues that way. Once again I’m honoured to inform this august House, especially our Honourable President of the Republic of Ghana about the ongoing expansion project being carried out in the House. Indeed the House is feverishly looking into possibilities that will greatly supplement our finances and make economic situation better in order to support the project which include the expansion of the existing structure into a storey building and the construction of an ultra-modern electronic library for Nananom and Staff. Your Excellency this project when completed will create more rooms for judicial sittings and offices to boost administrative work, while the library will serve as a resource Centre for research studies by Nananom and the general public as well. We will be pleased if you could assist the House in any form to help complete the project which has already began. Your Excellency, we will use this platform to congratulate you, for delivering on your promise concerning the construction of the new Assin Praso Bridge which links the Central Region to the Northern part of the Country and the construction of the Western corridor road that links Dunkwa on-Offin to Ashanti Region. Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen, Nananom of this House once again welcome you to your second home and wish you a joyous stay and fruitful tour. May God bless us all!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:03:31 +0000

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