SPEED BUMPS OR STOP SIGNS... Please say what you prefer - Our - TopicsExpress


SPEED BUMPS OR STOP SIGNS... Please say what you prefer - Our vote will be heard today. Speed Issue on the main road: As a follow-up, I could really use more responses to the issues on the table to curb the speed on the main La Bufadora road now under construction. Of the dozen or so received so far, there is a consensus to support stop signs over speed bumps, (like 9 to three). If we have any say, and we may, now is a good time. Weve gotten some good suggestions, like reflectors and great signage, and it is our understanding that this will all happen as the road is finished up. I would like more responses, to be able to state higher numbers of interested local foreign residents, and therefore more serious concerned interest, and thus am making this follow-up appeal to you all. I am meeting in the morning with the delegado in Maneadero, (si dios quiere) who apparently has a lot of say in these matters of local road hazards, and their solutions. I will take him your input.... but your input coming in because..... On another track, I was directed by the ejido, to run down the engineer in charge of the obra, or actual construction, el barbudo (the bearded one) and found him, in his truck near the center of the action. He was very receptive to discussing the final plans. He said the timing was excellent as he was just receiving his final orders for the signage details tomorrow, and would be consulting with his supervisors. We discussed the options, and he made it clear that though everyone was talking speed bumps, historically used locally, that the usual direction of modern roads is to avoid them, and work with superior signage, and other props such as railings, painted areas, reflectors, reflector bumps; and in more important areas, stop signs and lights. We are meeting tomorrow late afternoon, and I told him I would print out our suggestions, and tally our vote on the speed bump vs. stop sign issue. He seemed extremely appreciative and open to our concern, especially sensitive that we as a community, are still in shock, and reeling from the recent accident, partially due to excessive speed. So please, let us know how you see this one, as we will be heard tomorrow, and anyone wanting to tag along to either meeting is welcome. treesculpt@hotmail Thanks for your help, Mark Lurie
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:19:59 +0000

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