SPEEDING up the Awakening Process, Understanding the - TopicsExpress


SPEEDING up the Awakening Process, Understanding the cosmos/spiritual science along with How planet Earth got to where it is today? Dear Awakened & Awakening ones, 1. Planet Earth is not the only with life. 3D Earth is a duality planet with low vibrations and a Free Will zone. There are many planets just like 3D Earth. 2. Humanoid and non-humanoid inhibit different planets, different galaxies, different universes, and different dimensions. 3. All life & non-life are part of the Cosmic Awareness/Source/The Original Divine Creator….Existence itself. 4. We=the true self are souls=energy consciousness=a tiny spark of Source. Source creates souls at the highest level. At the lower levels, different ETs/beings create all kind of stuffs=planets, human bodies, animal bodies, plants and etc.... 5. The soul is immortal, but the body is temporary and HAD changed many times in many incarnations. On Earth, the souls wear a human body as far as "average" humans understand, but souls also wear animal bodies such as dolphins, whales, and etc....On different planets or different dimension, the souls wear other bodies=humanoid or non-humanoid. Souls who had life elsewhere have HAD all kind of bodies. 6. The carbon-based human body on Earth is the weakest form of body, easily break apart and highly susceptible to destruction/pressure. 7. We are here experience life of "separation" with Amnesia=Veil of Forgetfulness in a Free Will zone. The souls wanted to experience what it is like to do thing differently from the etheric/spiritual realm. 8. Re-incarnation (other than for learning lessons) is to clean/repair the damage done to the ethic body or to release the low vibrations/attachments to the etheric body. Once cleared and lessons learned, we will rise to live on higher dimension. On higher dimension, we can choose to stay in the physical body as long as we wish. 9. Extraterrestrials=ETs are higher dimensional beings than Earth Human=they are more intelligent, more advanced in technology, and basically are like our older brothers/sisters who have been where we are now. After the fall of Atlantis & Lemuria…. 10. Earth was hijacked by certain ETs and their armies who were very intelligent and creative. These ETs wanted to go their own way for a while by turning into the dark side. They altered their own DNA to be able to feed on certain energy=low vibrations instead of Light=high vibrations. 11. Because so, when they arrived at Earth, they needed Earth humans to feed them our life-force-energy to sustain their immortality. They saw Earth humans with simple mind & have yet to raise consciousness enough understand what is going on, so they took complete advantage. 12. First, they altered human DNA, resulting in 97% junk=dormant/damaged, resulting in low vibrations. Then, they portrayed themselves, the leader as "God" and creators.... with superior intelligence and advanced technology, humans believed everything they said. Then, they came up with the story of creation Adam & Eve....since the leader was "God" human took everything "God" said without question. Then, they wrote the Bible-originally The Sumerian Tablet that later got translated to over 8000 different versions by minions/descendants/humans who wanted to gain power & control as part of the system. Their armies traveled all over Earth and all kind of religions were born. Different religions result in wars, pains, and suffering=releasing low vibrations= energy that feed the ETs. 13. Although the master ETs have returned to the Light in the mid 1990s, their minions/descendants/human controllers do not want to give up power & control over Earth humans....because Earth is a Free Will zone….Many of the plans for control, wars, & depopulation are still continuing to be carried out. Under their rules & the Enslavement System along with Free Will....Humanity almost destroys themselves and the planet in the process. Mother Earth=Gaia called for help. Volunteers from everywhere came and incarnate into human bodies=Starseeds, Ascended Masters, Light Beings and etc….Most of these souls came from ascended planets/higher dimensions. These souls guided by their intuition (encoded within their DNA) are designed to awaken and carry on their collective mission=awaken others and continue their mission to spread Love/Light/Wisdom and prepare for Ascension. After many incarnations, the vibrations of the planet rose to what is today. This process is known as Divine Intervention, intervention from within. You don’t see a bunch of Starships & Lightships physically land on Earth and out walk many ETs with all kind of technologies that free humanity from pain & suffering. Doesn’t work like that until the vibrations of Planet Earth are ready & the humanity consciousness is ready. Once ready, Mass Landing of ships will happen. The Ships are already here. People have seen thousands of scout ships worldwide. Before they can come down, we have to come up first=raise vibrations higher, then they can come down. You have A CHOICE: Path of Ascension or Path of Re-incarnation after you disembodied. There are many other planets like 3rd Dimension-Earth for you to embody. Once Ascended, Earth will be transformed into 5Th Dimensional Planet…. You have seen The Shift & The Signs of Ascension: Record cleaning events & sighting of ships are happening and continue to happen. In summary, once one realizes what had happened, what is going on, and where things are heading....one can make a proper choice. The choice is now yours....You are the Master of your own evolution.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:54:38 +0000

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