SPIRIT OF GOOD MORALS (RUUH AL ADAB); by Sheikh Ibrahim - TopicsExpress


SPIRIT OF GOOD MORALS (RUUH AL ADAB); by Sheikh Ibrahim Niass April 8, 2012 at 9:45am I NAME THIS POEM AS SPIRIT OF GOOD MORALS, BECAUSE OF WHAT IT CONTAINS OF WISDOM AND MANNERS.------ Sheikh Ibrahim Niass This book originated in the year 1920 as a One hundred and twenty one verse poem written in the Arabic language, in praise of Allah (God), Glorified is He, and in commemoration of His Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), named Spirit of Good Morals. It was written by Shaykh of Islam Al-Hajj Ibrahim ibn Al-Hajj Abdullah Niass, as advice to the People of Tariqa, the Tijania Brotherhood in particular, and to humanity at large. 1. Says Ibrahim the son of Al-Hajj Abdullahi, our glowing moon. 2. Having started with the Name of Allah and Praise, All of it to Allah the Possessor of great Blessings and Glory. 3. An advice from me to my brothers, adhere to the path of Tijaniyya. 4. A path of pure grace and satisfaction, founded and established upon the path of the Prophet (SAWS) and the Qur`an. 5. Continuously say the Wird (Litanies) obligatory to this tariqa, By this benefits are achieved without doubt. 6. You will not profit by taking this tariqa, Except you continuously seek righteousness. 7. Fulfilling all prescribed conditions, Exemplifying its ethical code. 8. Exalting all its people, particularly the special ones: to them be obedient. 9. When you start to perform this wird, Always discipline yourself as much as possible. 10. Be of good manners openly and secretly, With it does one climb unto high positions. 11. And picture in your mind, the Shaykh that brought you up, likewise his Shaykh without doubt. 12. Always maintain concentration and calmness, likewise seclusion helps in drawing near (to Allah). 13. Seek for a knowledgeable and experienced teacher with sound advice, Complete in knowledge of Divine Lord (and of course) a righteous leader. 14. Submit yourself completely to him and dont experiment (on your efforts), Be like a dead person before its washer and you shall be informed. 15. Dont oppose him even if it seems wrong (his opinion), be always a follower. 16. For the teacher’s mistake could be more upright and proper, Than students opinion among people of intellect. 17. Do not turn to other than him in the universe, And be with him as if there is no universe. 18. For there is nothing for the student other than this Saint (Shaykh Ahmad Tijani), Alongside with the Prophet (SAWS) and surely his Lord, the Most High. 19. As long as there is other than him in a heart it will not attain, The knowledge of the Master (Allah), This I say with all certainty. 20. Be at all times with the Shaykh to profit, Be at all times tenderly in love to prosper. 21. In proportion to your love for him you receive, His spiritual providence, the people (Sufis) have said this repeatedly. 22. Spend out of your new and old possessions in seeking, His satisfaction, and be prompt to his signals, then you will get it right. 23. And satisfy your Shaykh even if he makes you weep, Because it is to goodness, he guides you. 24. Be covetous of your time with such greed, Be warned you shall be afflicted with test of decline. 25. When you see manifestation of opulence, Do not exceed limits, be content with the manifestation of dispossession. 26. For all of these (manifestations) are affairs of Allahs unfoldings, Glorious is He to be blamed for what He Destines. 27. Do not be anguished when you are afflicted with mischiefs of His creations, for that you were created. (i.e. to meet such realities of life). 28. Mischief is made to flow from them so that you dont rely, On them - but on Allah should you solely rely. 29. When tested with difficulties and afflictions, Persevere patiently, for thereafter shall come relief and happiness. 30. For after every night comes the day, And after every hardship comes the ease. 31. Rather, after every hardship comes double ease, As related from Ahmad (SAWS) the Legendary Adnan. 32. If you know that, then you shall always be satisfied, (With) Allahs decision which at all times must prevail. 33. Whenever you seek a request that is lacking, The dangers of it He knows and you dont. 34. He deters what is dangerous (from you) out of His tenderness, therefore dont, Accuse our Lord otherwise you shall be abandoned. 35. Were man to know Who the Merciful (Allah) is, He would have been facing afflictions, a smiling man. 36. Dont seek exaltation from the creation without, Being exalted by the Creator, no, never. 37. Dont be glad with favors you are bestowed with, Be glad with the Bestower (Allah) if you reason. 38. For every favor will vanish except the Bestower, For that is the Everlasting all time. 39. Dont despise any Muslim and dont mention, peoples faults, for the faults from you are likely to be seen. 40. Maybe were the one in two tatters of dusty garments, To invoke bythe Master (Allah), he will be honored as has been reported (Hadith). 41. Dont harm a Muslim even if it appears that, he persistently harms, be forgiving. 42. For indeed, all these creations are Allahs servants, Do not harm, oh my brothers the servants of Allah. 43. For you will not be pleased with him who ill-treats your servant, Even if he does wrong, fear therefore your Lord. 44. Persist in sadness and the taught of death, Dont forget also the questioning of the dead (in the grave). 45. It is inevitable to first and foremost seek knowledge And you must study the laws of Allah (Shari`at) properly. 46. I swear by my life that knowledge is the leader of actions, As was transmitted from Ta-Ha (SAWS), the best of all messengers. 47. Obtain knowledge of four subjects, oh you traveler, The first of it is the knowledge of the Lord Possessor. 48. And secondly is to know all that is involved, In the worship of Allah, for that, you will be certain. 49. And thirdly is to learn the different states of soul, From its treachery, deceptions and plots. 50. For the soul has its fault, and Heart its fault, And the spirit its Fault, in these there is no doubt. 51. And the seeking of knowledge of good conduct on you disciple (is the fourth) For indeed, it is the door for every disciple. 52. Be God fearing, a man of humility, You will not by humbleness be in abasement. 53. Ilm (knowledge), Gina (wealth), Khisbun (fertility), are words that came (in pronunciation), With low pitched vowels established in them. 54. Jahlu (ignorance), Faqru (poverty), Jadbu (infertility) are words that come, With high pitched vowels established in them. 55. These are signs if you reason clearly, recognize what you have been inspired with. 56. Not on mountains do flood settle, Nor on trees in disregarding (their heights). 57. Never be satisfied about yourself, nor hope or Fear other than Allah, besides Him neglect. 58. Never be arrogant oh my brother or be jealous, Nor do eye-service, but to your Lord heed. 59. And arrogance arises either because of knowledge, or lineage, Or companionship, or getting involved in acts of devotions, and wealth. 60. A disobedience that brings about humiliation is better, While an act of devotion that Results in arrogance is worst. 61. You will never be free from blemish, Except with a Shaykh of divine knowledge that is constantly consulted. 62. Adhere strongly to the protection of Shaykhs (of divine knowledge), If you want to attain a lofty and exalted height. 63. The most excellent Shaykh of all time in any respect, Is our leader Al-Tijani, the possessor of great virtues. 64. The intermediary and foundation of every scholar of divine knowledge, he is to them the flowing fountain and the sun. 65. And the best path (of Sufi order) by consensus, is again his path without any dispute. 66. And, it is impossible to combine its practice with any other (path of Sufi order), he is ruined (the one who combined it) alongside with the speaker of such (combination) on the Day of Judgment. 67. He has lied and fabricated against the Lord Majestic, I say (with emphasis), that this Wird (of Tijaniyya) is great. 68. Adhere to the litanies of this tariqa, Then, I swear by my life, onto Reality have you been led. 69. (Among these litanies are:) Hizbul Tadara`i, Salatul Fatih, also Allahumma Alaika Fatih. 70. And such other (litanies) possessed by the great men, The People of this Tariqa, when you get their permissions. 71. However, it is with great efforts that their secrets are obtained, Not by laxity or by playing on the intelligence of men. 72. But rather by adhering to what they give firmly, And by following their instructions always. 73. Dont prefer colleagues conversations, To sitting with him (your Shaykh), oh the annihilated one. 74. If so, dont be desirous of obtaining secrets, For secrets are not obtainable in public. 75. But if you rather stick to him (your Shaykh) always, You could succeed from him in obtaining your requirement. 76. You could also gain from him by infection, and this, Has been confirmed by the men (of knowledge), so watch out. 77. Whosoever does not attain the knowledge of the Merciful (Allah), his life has been in ruin for all time spent. 78. I created these creations (Allah said) to worship Me, To worship Me meaning To know Me. 79. Dont lessen your effort in acquiring the knowledge (of Allah), Then you shall be astonished by the closeness of The Most Merciful. 80. He is manifest in every thing, upon every thing, and by every thing, before it and yet after it, forever. 81. If you crave for the increase of faith, Immediately repent sincerely, and follow it with the way of excellency. 82. Dont hate a Muslim or get angry, Except towards the breaker of the refined law (Shari`at). 83. Adhere to night vigil and hungry stomach, Eating of what is purely lawful has equally been enumerated (as away of increasing faith). 84. And give sincerity to fellow brothers or maintain silence keeping company of, People of excellent morals among close relatives. 85. And a man is in the religion of his close friend, If righteous, he too will be righteous even if unintelligent. 86. Remember the scales (of weighing actions) and the distribution of the book (of works), And what is in hell fire of perpetual grief. 87. And what is in the paradise of beautiful virgins, Along with nice servants and beautiful dwellings. 88. And persist (on worships) of the sin wiping, The strongest (of such worship) is the salat of this pivot leader (Qutub). 89. Of it is the Musaba`at, morning and evening, imitation of the Adhan (call to prayer) also, These will be of assistance. 90. Various kinds of Azkar (worships) have been related in the school thought (of Tijani), Our salat on the exaltedly Dignified (Prophet, SAWS). 91. The glorification prayers and glorification itself, Likewise Qur`an contemplation, 92. And two prostrations made in fear (of Allah) and taking of steps, To the mosques (all these) expiate sins. 93. Likewise, the perfection of ablution and the guiding of a blind person, as well as Fulfilling peoples needs (all these are among expiation of sins). 94. And the reflective counting of sea waves and ripples plus, Shaking of fellow Muslims should be taken advantage of (in seeking forgiveness). 95. Filling up of Ramadan by a person (with worship) and fasting of it, keeping night vigils in it erases his sins. 96. Performance of Hajj, Umra and charity in secret, Made from lawful wealth is indeed a wonderful charity. 97. Teaching of children (Qur`an and Hadith), praying in straight rows (congregational prayers), All these are mentioned in the Book (Qur`an). 98. And the following are defects that harden the heart, The love of leadership is the worst of these defects. 99. Jesting, backbiting, bad sitting companions, Indecency, slandering, and evil soul (are defects that harden the heart). 100. Likewise passionate desires of mind should not be followed, and in worldly things, show abstinence without always following. 101. Be like a house carpet and withdraw from everyone, Dont enjoy vain talks nor disputes (of people). 102. Take your eyes off peoples faults, And as much as possible pay them no attention. 103. Give charity out of your wealth for Allahs sake, Visit Muslim tombs without cease. 104. Dont ever swear except you limit (your swearing) To the will (of Allah) whenever you do swear. 105. Here comes to an end the brotherly advice, In condensed form just like people of these days. 106. In the year fortytwo, After thirteen hundred (years of Hijra). 107. I name this poem as Spirit of Good Morals, Because of what it contains of wisdom and manners. 108. Seeking excuse of the people of intellect, And just a song of sayings of an active youth. 109. And for a child of twenty-one years, are reasons acceptable and beautifully justified. 110. Benefit with this poem all the Believers, Oh our Lord, because of the magnificence of the best of the Messengers. 111. And make it to be purely for the sake of your Noble self, Oh Lord, oh the Kind, Beneficent, the Most Merciful. 112. Dont be deceived and not memorize the Poem, Because I am small (in age) and from the non-Arab (African country). 113. Allah favors with whom He wants, And Allah is possessor of great virtues, and Willer (of what He wants). 114. Indeed it has been said in this respect, the illustrious, Servant of Ta Ha and of Maliki (school of thought), Ahmad (the son of Bamba of Senegal). 115. A black skinned will never acquire (because of his color), Youthful stupidity and bad understanding. 116. Oh Lord, Oh Lord, by the magnificence of Al-Haadee (SAWS), Protect us from every evil of our enemies. 117. Bestow on us with the divine knowledge, And everything desirous, because of the best of the lineage of the legendary Adnan (SAWS). 118. And cover our faults with your covering, that is the beautiful (of coverings), And overcome our enemies with your power, that is the Most Splendorous (of powers). 119. And praise are for Allah who has supported and made easy my compilation. He is indeed a Wonderful Patron. 120. Then Blessing and peaceful salutations be upon the Prophet (SAWS), the chosen, the best of creations. 121. On him (is this blessing) and his household, dutiful companions, As long as every patient one succeeds in attaining the knowledge (of Allah).*** SALATU L FAATIH -Oh Allah, bless our leader Muhammad, -the opener of what was closed, -the seal of what has passed, -the helper of truth with truth, -and the guide to your most straight, perfect path. -Let this blessing include his household, and be for them of a magnitude that matches the magnitude of the Prophet (SAWS). -For his magnitude is (indeed) a great one. Ameen. Translation and Commentary By CHIEF IMAM OF MEDINA KAOLACK SENEGAL, Sheikh Al Hassan Ali Cisse.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:24:27 +0000

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