SPIRIT OF PRAISE I love the Lord because he answers and hears my - TopicsExpress


SPIRIT OF PRAISE I love the Lord because he answers and hears my prayers. Because he bend down and listens, I will pray to him as long as I have breath! Death had it’s hand around my throat; the terror of the grave overtook me, I saw only trouble and sorrow. Then I called the name of the Lord: “ Please Lord, save me!” Psalm 116:1-4. When faced with suffering and despair there is only one answer! Call upon the Lord to answer your plea! Turning to God first! When we put him first, our struggle will lessen and he will answer our plea! God wants us to call on him, wants us to put him at the head of the table. Seek first the Lord our God!!!!! WISDOM SPEAKS A Wife of Noble Character Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12. PRAISE OF REASON SOME GAVE ALL: Your gift may be small but given willingly its a great gift. Giving doesnt only represent money. Giving your time and talents also advances the Kingdom. Jesus knows how precious your gift can be. Use your love and faith as a benchmark. Your reward will be given in Heaven.Luke21:1-4. WHEN ASKED THE TOUGH QUESTIONS: Answer to the best of your ability. What is the real issue, the question might be a test and not the real issue. Listen and show that you care. The Lord will provide the answers. What do we believe about Jesus? Luke20:37, 38. LOST AND FOUND: Good News is for everyone rich and poor. By giving help to the poor from that which we have gained advances the Kingdom. We must do more then follow Jesus in our hearts. Showing our faith can change behavior. Use action not words. In faith the lost can be found and made new. Luke 19. OUR STRUGGLES: When struggles start pulling us down, Jesus will never desert us. When we walk through life with a heavy load Jesus will lighten the load. When we start to crawl Jesus will pick us up and carry us. Seek him and we will find, knock and his door is open and as and all will be given. LOVING: Loving ones partner takes listen, and put their success before ours is a wonderful part of love. When we listen to the Lord and put him first we have all we need, and we become successful. He who has an ear to hear will listen and be one in the Lord. I was trying to think of a way to work through the hurt of being shunned by people who I thought could overcome their embarrassment and hurt by my failures and these words from Colossians were brought forth as I pondered on my feelings so I bare my heart to them. LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!!!!!! John 8:1-11 Signs of Love: Mercy, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience and Forgiveness. Colossians 3:12, 13. Get rid of sin and evil because you have been chosen by God to live a new life as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ....... Colossians 3:1-10 Lord I thank you for all the great things that I’m learning about putting you first. I now have a greater peace that wasnt there very much. Lord you have taken the rough ride I was on and given me new life, you calmed the storms. Praise you Lord. I pray for everyone who is in pain, and that we all bring that pain before the Lord, Lord I ask that you heal whatever pains any of us might be feeling at this time. Heal our ills and give us joy know that your pain and suffering on the cross healed us for all eternity. I know that someday I will reach my goal and be with Him in Eternity!!!! Amen! I am blessed in knowing that the Lord has put me in touch with several people that love the Lord and are on their journey. Do not lose sight of the Lord, we all have survived many of the things that are put in our way and as we grow in our walk things that were once important are now a distant thought. One day at a time, let Jesus take the wheel. There is a walk and journey to take, walk with the Lord and surrender your problems to Him. Wait and listen to what the Lord wants you to do. Search your heart; feel blessed to be walking with Him. Its o.k. to laugh, to be upset after all we are but human. Give the Lord an earful he wants to listen and help!!!!!! ...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:43:19 +0000

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