SPIRIT To all those lovely people who have been enquiring - TopicsExpress


SPIRIT To all those lovely people who have been enquiring after Spirit here is an update on her but please understand that her condition when she was found was very bad and it has only been 17 days since she began treatment so her photos still show her looking very unwell. It is going to take time a lot of time and a lot of love to make Spirit beautiful again, on the outside, for she is truly beautiful on the inside. Spirit is currently at the BAWA puppy house but I will be speaking to a vet in Ubud on Monday to see if she needs to be in a vet clinic long term. She was in a clinic at first but was discharged one week ago but I feel she still needs more intensive TLC and if this is the case I will arrange for BAWA to transport her. I had seen Spirit on Friday but did not want to do a posting until today when I returned to see her laden with chicken, chicken broth, raw egg whites and liver treats and a couple of marrow bone cookies. As I lay down the buffet in front of her she didn’t hesitate – no having to coax her to eat – she was in heaven! When she finished eating she went and lay in her cage and I left knowing she had a full tummy. I returned to see her later this afternoon after a trip to Sanur and this time I was armed with two large tins of dog food and a box of dry food but most importantly I had a cot mattress and blankets that I had purchased for her. The mattress was the perfect fit for her cage and the blankets added that extra bit of comfort. I fed her again until she couldn’t eat any more and when she climbed in to her cage she stopped – she turned around and looked at me as much as to say – thank you for my lovely new bed. When I left she was sleeping – a full tummy and a cosy bed, what more could a girl wish for. If the vet feels she does not need transferring to a clinic then I will do my best to visit her as many times as I can before I come back to Sydney on 26th December. Spirit is now on 4 times a day feeding schedule and arrangements have been made to supply her with high protein food every day as she needs to put weight on. Her skin is looking much better, there are no longer bleeding breakthroughs and she is receiving twice weekly baths with Malaseb shampoo and will receive and other Ivomectin injection on 28th December. Spirit’s recovery is going to be a long one but I believe her calm and loving nature will get her through these tough times.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:05:30 +0000

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