SPIRITS UNDER THE EUPHRATES A region of the world that is - TopicsExpress


SPIRITS UNDER THE EUPHRATES A region of the world that is alluded to in biblical prophecy is the Euphrates River. In the apocalypse, this famous ancient waterway will; dry up, and four mysterious angels will be released from their confinement (Rev. 9:14). The Euphrates River originated in the Taurus Mountains and flows through Syria and Iraq, eventually joining the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab and emptying into the Persian Gulf. The Apocalyptic prophecy that mentions the loosing of the four angels also reveals that a dangerous angel named Appolyon, or Abaddon (Rev.9:11), will be released from the abyss near the same time these other four angelic beings are released from their captivity, where they are confined in caverns under the waters of the Euphrates. Much of the future prophetic activity mentioned in the Old Testament and the Apocalypse will unfold in and around the Middle East. Since this future activity is identified as occurring near the Euphrates River, and one of the evil agents released on the earth is called Abaddon, could this evil angel that is now in the abyss be released somewhere in the Persian Gulf area, because the Euphrates and Tigris eventually empty into the Gulf? It is interesting to note that the Euphrate and Tigris join and empty into the Persian Gulf in a place where there is a famous island. This island, called Abadan, is forty-two miles long and twelve miles wide and is presently a main oil refinery island for Iran. It was the centerpiece of the war between Iran and Iraq in the 1980s. the lacation of the island is just below where the Euphrates and Tigris come together at a place in southern Iraq called Bosera, joining as one river and flowing into the Persian Gulf. The Hebrew name of this demonic being that will be released from the bottomless pit at some point during a time of tribulation on Earth is Abbadon. The Hebrew has no vowels, and the name of the oil-rich island has some ha some of the same Hebrew letters of the Hebrew name Abbadon, indicating that there may be a linguistic link, , However weak, to this island and to the release of the spirit called abaddon from the black-smoke-filled pit. since the prophecy the spirit called abaddon could be bound under the earth in this region of the world: strong prince spirits often take on the same name of the region they control, such as the prince of Persia and Grecia (Dan.10:13,20). When this “pit” (Rev.9:1) is opened, black smoke fills the air, darkening the entire area. Because the Abadan Island is used to refine oil, any form of explosion could literally cause black smoke to billow into the atmosphere, thus fulfilling the visual description given by John in Revelation 9:8. During the Gulf War in 1991, hundreds of oil wells were set on fire, causing the air in Kuwait and the surrounding area to be filled with a black smoke that covered the sun, and, at times, the chemicals that remained in the atmosphere caused the moon to have a reddish appearance. These fallen angels are bound both “under the waters” and “in the pit”(abyss). The ispired writers of Scripture speak of the gates under the sea: Or who shut in the sea with doors, When it burst forth and issued from the womb? --Job 38:8 Have you entered the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in search of the depths? Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Or have you seen the doors of the shadow of death? --job 38:16-17 SPIRITS ARE UNDER THE WATERS When studying the scriptures, many times it becomes important to examine the original meaning of words to ensure that the English translation has correctly presented the true interpretation. Below is one example: Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering. --job 26:5-6, Kjv In this passage Job mentions hell (sheol) but also mentions destruction, which is the Hebrew word rapha’ or rephaim. What makes this word unique is that the word rephaim is used in the English translation of the Bible as one of the common names for a race of giants that once roamed the earth. The name is found in 2 Samuel as a valley in Jerusalem once ruled by the giants (2 Sam.5:18, 22:23:13). The word Giants is found throughout the English translation of the Old Testament and is the word rapha’, the root word for rephaim. Job 26:5 says: “Dead things [rapha’] are formed from under the waters.” The word form in Job:26:5 in Hebrew is chuwl, and it can mean “to writhe in pain.” Since fallen angels are now bound in tartaroo (2 Pet.2:4), then these fallen angels are now confined under the waters, under the mountains in the lowest subterranean chambers, experiencing eternal pain. And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgement of the great day. --job 26:5-6, KJV These will be part of the angels that at the Great White Throne Judgment will be brough out of hell, and saints will judge them (1 Cor.6:3;Rev. 20;11-15), They are reserved ( the word reserved means “to be kept under watch and guard”) until the day of their judgment!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:30:20 +0000

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