SPIRITUAL AMNESIA Romans 2:1 - Therefore thou art inexcusable, O - TopicsExpress


SPIRITUAL AMNESIA Romans 2:1 - Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself;for thou that judgestdoest the same things. I greet you friends in the Wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen We, as the body of Christ, must learn to be patient with people. We must learn that every one is not going to get it right all the time. And when they are babes in Christ, they will behave like babies! One of the worse things that can happen to a believer is spiritual amnesia and forgetting their infant years! When a saint of God forgets their flaws and past mistakes, they are of no good use to the Kingdom. One reason is because you lose your sensitivity to people and that causes you to think and act like you are better because of where you are now versus where you came from. That is wrong! Dont you know that when you behave that way you lose opportunity to help or minister? If you cannot feel or understand the people that you are surrounded by on a daily basis, then how can you help them or be in position to be approached by them? Here is something that we must always remember. We are only where we are by the grace of God. We are only what we are by the grace of God. And had it not been for God, we would be a sinner, on our way to hell! That is the check yourself phrase that we must apply to our lives on a daily basis. The world needs us and they are dying without us. So, we cannot afford to lift ourselves up and feel like they are better than others in anyway. Thats when you are in danger of a fall. When you feel that you are better than others, then be prepared to be proven wrong! God does not support our efforts to get glory before men, so when we get to that point, the enemy has legal ground to sabotage us and knock us back down to earth! Again I say, be patient with people. Yeah, they may get it wrong over and over, but so did you. Sure, they may not follow your plan to the t, but neither did you! Okay, they may get on your nerves and make you sick because of their constant disobedience to the things you are telling them, but so did you! What you are judging is usually what you were doing. So be careful, and dont lose your sensitivity to the fact that you are blessed to be where you are and you must allow others the opportunity you had to get it together. For I know that my Redeemer lives! Ps Tati
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:35:19 +0000

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