SPIRITUAL FOOD; The Divine Charge To Soul Winning; Cry - TopicsExpress


SPIRITUAL FOOD; The Divine Charge To Soul Winning; Cry aloud,spare not,lift up thy voice like a trumpet,and shew my people their transgression,and the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek me daily,and delight to know my ways,as a nation that did righteousness,and forsook not the ordinance of their God;they ask of me the ordinances of Justice;they take delight in approaching to God. Isaiah 58;1-2 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers,specially they of the circumcision(believers in the Church-Emphasis mine);whose mouths must be stopped,who subvert whole houses,teaching things which they ought not,for filthy lucres sake;This witness is true,wherefore rebuke them sharply,that they may sound in the faith. Not giving heed to Jewish fables,and commandments of men,that turn from the truth. Titus 1;10-11,13-14 Them that sin rebuke before all,that others also may fear. 1 Timothy 5;20 Brethren, as we enter the final lap of our patient wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we must be reminded that we owe it a divine duty to partner Him in confronting head long the corrosive monster called sin in the lives of the lost souls ,satan has held captive. God is ,through the ministry of His Holy Spirit, calling us in the Church,on one hand and the world of evil on the other,to true repentance that would secure salvation and deliverance from the excruciating grip of sin. He has therefore commanded us to fearlessly declare the sins of men and women without compromising his word of deliverance ,salvation and divine life. We must do this by humbly surrendering to Him so he can release the promise of his father ,the Holy Spirit ,who will empower and direct us in discharging this great stewardship committed into our little hands//We cannot do this with our human knowledge/wisdom ,connections, our academic and social prowess or attainments. Neither can we succeed with the Spirit of assumption nor arrogance. we must be bold enough to tell people their sins ,not minding whose ox is gored , the same time not been too judgmental or malicious; we must announce or preach the good news of Gods kingdom with love and compassion as well as declaring the wholesome,undiluted gospel-without compromise/covering sins/evil. In the aforementioned scriptures ,the Lord commands us to preach the wholesome counsel of his word to the lost sinners because he loves them and wants them saved,trained properly and brought into his kingdom. Please brethren those of us who have the true messages of the Lord should with unpretended humility declare them without vain glory.While those called into the other arms of ministry should do so with all humility and decorum so that there will be no confusion in the house of God. ....that there should be no schism in the body,but that the members should have the same care for one another.1 Corinthians 12;25 Every one cannot be a prophet. God gives grace/gifts for ministry according to the level of stewardship He wants to give any one.(Ephesians 4;3-16;1 Corinthians 12;1-31) Let us therefore be content with whatever he has given to us and do the work He has given to us faithfully and effectively ,employing the support and ministry of His Holy Spirit. However brethren,we must not be ignorant of the devices of the wicked one,satan, who is busy sowing the seed of discord among the brethren through his demonic messengers;The end-time is a risky time where all sorts of doctrines ,prophecies ,revelations and teachings are been flooded by the devil. we must therefore be watchful and be on our guard to detect and scrutinize every form of doctrines,teachings and beliefs,revelation and prophecies.We do this by subjecting them to the spiritual lens(eye) of the anointed word of God,seeking the face of God deeply and by enlisting the help and support of the Holy Spirit of a holy and revealing God. (2 Timothy 3;1-1-10;1 John 4;1-6) He will answer and put us through like He did to Daniel, Joseph,Paul and others. Call to me,and I will answer you,and show you great and mighty things,you do not knowJeremiah 33;3 The secret of the of the Lord is with those who fear Him,and he will show them his covenant.Psalm 25;14 I pray that God will humble His Church and teach them wisdom and knowledge//May He open the windows of heaven and rain down his true revival to resuscitate his spiritually dead church in Jesus sacred name//Amen//More grace// Remain rapture ready always. Pastor Martins Okonkwo
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 23:13:42 +0000

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