SPIRITUAL LESSONS ENCLOSED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Part a GENESIS 2:2, 3—THE SABBATH The Sabbath is a beautiful symbol of the perfect rest from sin and ultimately suffering we will have once the sin problem has been finally and forever extinguished in the earth made new (See: Hebrews Chapter 4). The Sabbath is also a beautiful symbol of our allegiance and marriage to God if kept in accordance with the way God kept it as it was given as a means whereby we can renew our relationship with Him. GENESIS 2:7, 8—MAN IS FORMED Upon the sixth day of creation the Lord formed man out of the dust of the earth thus man is the only creation that was given a personal touch. As a result of our sin we need that personal touch again as we need God to mould and shape our characters in order to bring them back into His likeness. As we are instructed in Isaiah 64:8 God our Father is the Potter and we are the clay or dust needing Him to shape us according to His will. Thus we are responsible in allowing God to perfect His work within us as God does not force anyone to undergo this moulding process. In which the clay needs to be placed in the kiln so we need to be placed in the furnace of affliction in order that the pure gold (faith and love) of the Christian character may shine forth in brilliant lustre (Revelation 3:18). GENESIS 2:9, 16, 17—THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL These two trees ultimately symbolise the two different directions one can choose to go either the way of righteousness (The Tree of Life) or the way of sin and evil (The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). These two trees if taken, as is sometimes applied to trees in the Bible (Psalm 37:35; 92:12), to symbolise mankind they ultimately represent the two sides of the great controversy those who have chosen to follow God or those who have chosen to follow the Devil. GENESIS 2:23—25—THE MARRIAGE OF MAN AND WOMAN Here is where the marriage institution was borne upon the sixth day of creation week. This holy institution is still present today although I think most would agree not in its original condition. It has been corrupted over the years as Mankind has become more and more corrupted. But what is it symbolic of? It is symbolic of our marriage to the heavenly family and the two beautiful signs given of this marriage is the Seventh-day Sabbath and once or maybe more in ones lifetime baptism. Even though there are many different forms of baptism today it still cannot lose the symbolism it was designed to give. “For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:2.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 08:31:23 +0000

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