SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT FOR TODAY (September 17, 2013) ESTHER - TopicsExpress


SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT FOR TODAY (September 17, 2013) ESTHER 6:1-14 YOUR ENEMIES WILL FALL BEFORE YOU Memory Verse: ESTHER 6:13 b (NIV) SINCE MORDECAI, BEFORE WHOM YOUR DOWNFALL HAS STARTED IS OF JEWISH ORIGIN, YOU CANNOT STAND AGAINST HIM- YOU WILL SURELY COME TO RUIN. Christians have the assurance throughout Scripture that God will surely reward us for what we are able to do for him and other people through the wisdom, strength, gifts, money and talents he has given us. What I am saying is that, we cannot do anything good by ourselves unless God enables us to do that. Yet he rewards us for that. In Matthew 24:12, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Revelations 22:12, just to mention but a few, we have such assurances. Yet we are not always patient enough to wait for God’s timing. Sometimes we even try to reward ourselves thinking God has forgotten us. Well, if you think God forgets his children, let Esther chapter 6 remind you that at the appropriate time, and as we continue to walk with the Lord, He shall surely reward us. A lot of time had passed since Mordecai revealed the plot to kill King Ahasuerus without receiving any reward. Mordecai might have probably given up looking forward to any such reward from the king. Probably it was the reason for which he did not want to bow before Haman, thinking he should have been rewarded and not Haman. The only position Mordecai was enjoying was to sit at the king’s gate as one of the king’s officials because of his relationship to the queen. Haman on the other hand was enjoying his status as the second in command to the king in the citadel of Susa and was waiting for the right opportunity to hang Haman on the gallows and kill the rest of the Jews. In the midst of all these was the favor of God upon all the Jews because of their relationship with God. This favor led Esther to have unlimited access to the king. But the blessings of the Lord did not end on Esther, it extended to Mordecai as well. God heard the crying of his children and was working on their deliverance step by step. Suddenly, God caused the king to have sleepless night until he called for the book in which was recorded Mordecai’s ‘good’ deeds which saved the life of the king in Esther 2:19ff. Immediately, the king thought of honoring Mordecai but had no idea what to do in his honor. God worked things in such a way that it was the same Haman who was planning Mordecai’s death who was made to suggest and carry out the instructions on how to honor Mordecai. God turned Mordecai’s enemy to hail him in public. Haman was made to honor and not the other way around. In the end, the shame Mordecai was to go through was turned over to Haman. This could not have happened without God’s intervention. His plan to save the Jews was gradually being carried out, starting from Esther’s favor before the king, and then to Mordecai’s elevation. IT WAS TRUE THE KING HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT MORDECAI BUT GOD HAD NOT. GOD REMINDED THE KING TO HONOR HIM AT THE TIME IT WAS MOST NEEDED. Many of us reading this may be wondering why it has taken so long for us to get to the level we expect to be. We may even think it may never happen. Yes, left to man alone, we may never ever get to the top. The devil may cause men to forget about us but God never forgets his people. HE WILL CAUSE THOSE THROUGH WHOM HE WANTS TO BLESS US TO REMEMBER US AND ANNOUNCE OUR ELEVATION SOON. EVEN IF THEY ARE ADAMANT, HE WILL STIR THEIR HEARTS AND GRANT THEM NO PEACE UNTIL THEY ANNOUNCE OUR PROMOTION. But importantly, the Lord Almighty caused Mordecai’s enemy, Haman, to honor him and announce his elevation in public. This simply meant that Haman lost his position of honor to Mordecai. Haman fell from grace to grass and Mordecai was elevated from grass to grace. It is my prayer today that the Lord Almighty will put your enemies to shame, and cause them to bow before you. May you also be lifted from grass to grace as your enemies fall from grace to grace to grace! Even if it does not happen immediately, it shall surely come to pass. You will soon be remembered and rewarded! Your enemies will fall before you because you are a child of the Most High God. THE WORD OF THE LORD!
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 10:56:03 +0000

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