SPIRITUAL SELF AND FREQUENCY What is a frequency? Most of us - TopicsExpress


SPIRITUAL SELF AND FREQUENCY What is a frequency? Most of us think of our consciousness like a light switch; its either on, or its off (when youre sleeping, or knocked out). The fact is, its not like a light switch at all. Your consciousness is more like a radio bandwidth. It spans many different frequencies. When youre on a higher frequency, you radiate more positive energy, and thus are attuned to more positive emotions: happiness, confidence, and love. When youre on a low frequency, youre more tuned into your ego. This can create a lot of static in your head, and interferes with your clarity of thought. It can create a lot of negativity, put you in a state of mind in which theres a lot of anxiety or depression. At this frequency youre radiating with more negative emotions, and your natural intuitions and wisdom are restricted. When youre on a higher frequency, you radiate more positive energy, and thus are attuned to more positive emotions: happiness, confidence, and love. When youre at this higher frequency, youre more in tune with the universe and the higher self, youre more receptive which allows that natural intuition and wisdom to flow. When youre at this frequency you feel better about your life and are able to make better choices. If you find that you spend most of your day with more negative emotions, then youre probably operating at a lower frequency. But it doesnt have to be that way. How do you raise the Frequency? At the very core, your brain operates on energy. Thoughts themselves are just little electric jolts bouncing around. These thoughts are essentially what tune you into the various frequencies. Thats why the most powerful and effective way to begin raising your vibrational frequency is to think happy thoughts. Yes, that does sound very cliché, but its a cliché with truth at the heart of it. Changing your thinking begins to change your frequency. Think sad, depressing thoughts, your frequency lowers. Think happy, positive thoughts, your frequency rises. Focusing on the negative just perpetuates the vicious cycle, so keep your thoughts in check throughout the day. Whenever you feel youre dwelling on the negative, you should think of something that makes you happy. Another way to do that is to surround yourself with positive people, and try to stay away from negative people. Other peoples negative energy can affect you. Have you ever had a friend that just seems to bring you down whenever you see that person? You’re naturally trying to attune to their frequency (even without realizing it, because you want to open yourself to your friend) and it just brings you down. Then, even when they leave, you feel lousy! At first, as you try to raise your frequency, avoid negative people and surround yourself with people who you can use to help bring you up. Eventually, when you are naturally vibrating at a higher frequency without efforts, you can be that person who helps try to raise other people up—but first you have to get there yourself. Once you’re able to do this, you’ll be amazed at how everything starts to become clear, how everything begins to get easier—even problems get easier to deal with. It all starts with being aware of that frequency, and tweaking it when necessary.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 08:48:41 +0000

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