SPIRITUAL WAR EFFORT part 4 ---EXTRAORDINARY LOVE Dear friends, The battle rages on so many fronts—internal and external….here are some offerings----of love—also on many fronts internal and external… Blessings, Yitzchak BEING EXTRAORDINARILY BELOVED MEDITATION KNOW Know that if we knew how much Hashem loved us, we’d be constantly roaring like lions….Hashem chose to bind His Name to ours and to make us more important than the Ministering Angels who watch over us and advocate for us…Hashem reveals Himself to us even in the midst of idol worship and impurity…With ever increasing love, Hashem refers to us as His Daughter, His sister, His Mother….We are more beloved than even the Torah….The Heaven and the Earth were created soley for our sake…G-d chose us because we are the humblest of all peoples and because we are the most pursued and chased after….In His great love for us , G-d’s Tefillin state in wonderment , ‘Who is like my people , one unique nation in the earth….We are compared to a Dove –never leaving our Mate—Hashem…..Hashem refers to us as Tzadikim and Holy Ones EXPERIENCE Experience being Beloved by the Master of the Universe….Feel the love and how nothing can stand in the way of this love….Feel the warm glow that encompasses you , knowing that whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever you say----you are beloved with an unconditional love---with an eternal love—a love that will never be taken away---and even when you fall and do that which seems to be bad and wrong, when all is said and done—it’ll be retrospectively clear that you really intended it to be done for the sake of your Beloved –Hashem….. SEEING IN THE DARK Open up an awareness inside of yourself that any and every type of darkness and source of suffering that you suffer, as difficult as it may seem, is actually a ‘blessing in disguise’----the greater the darkness, the greater is the hidden light hidden inside of it….Though the experience may seem to you to be the worst possible situation , in truth , it is the best possible situation ----it is a situation sent to you from Above , from the Source of pure goodness, pure altruistic love----sent to you in a customized and personalized way, in order to elicit from you, your best , your highest self, your most loving, caring , compassionate, rectified self---be aware of what hidden potential , this trial seeks to elicit from you…..Be aware that part of the purpose of all the suffering that you suffer, is to sensitize you to that same suffering that others suffer ---to open up inside of yourself , a deep sense of compassion , and even to open up inside of yourself the same unconditional love for others ,that Hashem has for you—that no matter how far you have strayed and done wrong, you are still His beloved one always…. THE DIFFERENT BELIEF SYSTEMS ANSWER [HOW TO DIFFUSE AN EXPLOSIVE ARGUMENT] Someone I know was recently challenged by someone who was extremely intrusive and insistent [and downright obnoxious] concerning a certain outlook on life….They insisted that the ‘only’ way to see things and the ‘only’ conclusions to come to, and the ‘only’ proper actions to commit to take upon oneself, was ‘their way’…..My friend was conflicted , because she deeply wanted to come across in a loving and empathetic and empowering fashion to this person—but she was feeling that her whole way of living life was under attack]…..My advice that I gave to her, was to simply reply to her intrusive friend, “Your way of looking at it, is based on your ‘belief system’ ---and if I were to have your ‘belief system’ than I would agree with you whole-heartedly, and perhaps be even more ‘gung-ho’ about it then you are, but I have a whole different ‘belief system’, and my ‘belief system’ [based on a whole different set of standards and values and information and sources and life experiences…etc…] leads me in a whole different direction than yours, so let us continue to be friends and agree to disagree and respect each other as best as we can SHLOMO-ING----R. Shlomo Karlebachs [OBD] life was filled with stories [especially as brought in the excellent biography called Holy Brother] depicting his very unique way of paradising relationships [Im not sure if he would of articulated it like that, but I have a feeling he wouldnt have minded]. The stories taken as a whole, illustrate a way to view all people that you encounter as being Holy and special. Everyone, without exception was seen by Shlomo as being the MOST holy and the MOST special person in the world [and he let each one know it too!] If we could, so to speak, put ourselves in Hashems place and see how He views people---ie...seeing them not only for how they appear to us at the present moment, but also who they have been in the past and seeing them right now, the perfected person who they ultimately will become------then we too, just like Shlomo, would begin to see everyones uniqueness and holiness---and we too, just like Shlomo wouldnt say no to anyone, nor would we divert our full compassionate attention to a person in need, even when there are as many as 10,000 people waiting in anticipation for our teachings or music...etc.... It takes a lifetime of work and some people are more Shlomo-like than others, but everyone can practice opening up this faculty inside themselves just a teeny bit more than they are presently doing.... ...A LITTLE BIT MORE, AND THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER NEGATIVITY...---------------This strategy, based on chapter 282 of R. Nachmans classic, Likutei Maharan, and based on a verse in Psalms 37; ‘‘…in a little while there will no longer be any evil….’’, teaches that if we hyper focus on only the good side[s] of a not-so-good person, we can eventually cause this person to be completely good!! THE BLISS-BLISS TOOL--------Whether you are actually connected to an actual family person, or are just simulating the experience with someone [a non-family person] you feel very comfortable with, in order to maximally bond with that person, heres what you can do; Project or Envision how anything that they do to actualize themselves, however small and trivial or big and profound, somehow is very good for you! Perhaps it opens you up in the same area that theyve opened up for themself......Perhaps it sheds light on a darkened area of your own life. The main thing is to contemplate or write down, in a free form fashion, all of the benefits that you gain from their gain. Then, let them know about it, and encourage to do the same for you!! You will be surprised and delighted at what a wonderful contribution that this strategy will do for your real soul-family relationships....and on a lesser level, also for your substitute non-soul family relationships. CHESED-THE WORLD’S FOUNDATION CREATIVITY [The Creator creates in a way that constantly promotes Chesed—giving, loving and goodness….This is the foundation of all that Hashem does and creates….Those who encounter Hashem in the deepest experiential ways report that the primary feeling that they experience is chesed—love, giving and goodness] Create in a way that expresses your love , giving and goodness….Project the best possible ways that your creative process and end-product can do good to others and can express your love and full-hearted giving [example---examine a creative process that you are presently occupied with….notice how much love and giving is part and parcel of of the process….add a generous , unconditional measure of love and giving to the process ] JOYOUSLY AND COMPLETELY ACCEPT UPON YOURSELVES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTING 1. Develop an constant inner awareness and consciousness of your children being center stage in all that you do------if youre shopping, consider what they may need....if youre involved in learning, learn it in a way that you can teach it to them.... 2. Develop a deep, unconditional love and care for them. Usually Hashem gives this as a natural gift to parents, but it never hurts to add a little bit extra. Consider each of your children to be worth more than billions of dollars, and for that matter, more than life itself. Look for ways to increase this love daily and as often as possible, convey your love to them both directly and indirectly-----by your very actions, motivations and choices that you make in life. Remember that perhaps the most powerful way of educating our children is through our own example.... Love like Water & Fire Some speak of a love like water a love that has no bounds a love that never ends a love that only gives a love that is the essence of life a love that is so subtle so pure in it’s frequency level so unselfish so G-dly so much a part of everything so much a part of you and me that you may not ever notice it unless it’s threatened to be taken away Some speak of a love like water a sisterly love a blissful love an essential love an unconditional love a love extended to one and all a love that free loves from above a love of silver a love of the Tree of Life a love of The Crown a love of nothingness a love which is perfect as is Some speak of a love like fire a love that comes and goes a love that threatens to get away a love that gives and takes a love that is intoxicating a love that is so deeply felt so deeply experienced so attached to one’s sense of wellbeing so connected to self esteem so human so personal that you can’t think of anything else and you don’t think you could live without it Some speak of a love like fire a lover’s love an eccentric love a fragile love a jealous love a love directed solely to one’s beloved a love is that is aroused from below a love of gold a love of the Tree of Knowledge a love of The Kingdom a love of something ness a love which constantly yearns Some know how to love both loves To yearn like fire And be in bliss like water To arouse the water love With the fire love And when one knows love Then one lives love And the fire and water love Become one love LOVE TRANSFORMATION HEALING Just as Yitzchak hoped to influence his son Eisav with an extra dose of love, precisely because he was naturally very close to falling off the straight path of his forefathers, and to a certain extent he succeeded-----------so too by you--------------whether it be someone special in your family or world, who is threatening to go down the wrong path, or whether it be a part of yourself that is disassociating itself from the rest of you---shower that person or part with an abundance of love—unconditional love—a love that seeks to nurture what is lacking in that person or part, and perhaps will succeed in healing and transforming them to be and do their best…. Know that even those Divine actions that appear to us as not being expressions of His goodness, but rather expressions of His revenge or justice--whereby those who are deserving are rewarded and those who are not are punished or rectified------those too are expressions of Divine Goodness to the one being rewarded as well as the one being corrected. Emulate this trait by first committing to love everybody with all your heart, just by virtue of the fact that they are all created in the Divine Image.......Then, from that same standpoint of unconditional and universal love, seek out whatever you can find in each person that can make that person a better person.......... If, as is most often the case, your direct rebuke to that person would be damaging---either for your relationship or for the effectiveness of influencing that person, then dont confront that person, but rather pray for their welfare, healing and betterment........Continue in this manner with this person and with others----always coming from a space of love and having their own good and improvement in mind.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 06:46:05 +0000

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