SPIRITUALITY. Here are my thoughts. I used to believe that - TopicsExpress


SPIRITUALITY. Here are my thoughts. I used to believe that if I drenched myself in light and raised my vibration, everything would change. Get better. I would be healed. And those things did happen and I am grateful for that angle of spiritual teaching. Here’s what happened though. I focused so much on rising up, healing and raising the vibration and frequency of everything within me and around me that I lost myself. Exactly what is not supposed to happen right? Now if you’ve hung out in the trenches for the majority of your life, rising up and raising your vibration is called for. Then what? What happens after you do that? There’s an angle of spirituality that is ignored and even looked at as wrong and bad. And that is the earthy, rooted experience we can have on earth if we give ourselves the permission to go there. Like getting messy with our feelings (Not hurting others. Just feeling them and expressing them.) Like waking up and feeling like shit and not immediately going into the “need to think positive, raise my vibration, heal the past and clear the DNA traces that are still lingering in my energy field because I thought I was done with this but apparently I’m not” mentality. Just wake up and feel how you feel. Do a dance with it. Don’t apologize for it. Explore it. Get intimate with all of the ways your brilliant, beautiful SOUL communicates with you and through you. Because your feelings (whether you think they are good or bad) are signals of your personal evolution. They let you know what is happening deep in your soul. Your sacred emotions guide you. Let them. Don’t fight them. It’s like having a child who feels sad, hurt or scared and the parent says to them “Get over it. You’re a boy (or girl) and that’s not how you act. Dry your tears. There are no monsters so stop that.” Get close to those feelings. Sit with them. Be pissed or sad or hurt or outraged. Go deep. Let it be. Of course, be mindful and respectful and do not dump your pain all over someone else’s life just so that they can clean up the aftermath of you. No. That’s abuse and a completely different topic. Spirituality is not light and fluffy. And it is not always shimmery and sparkly. As you choose to become more intimate with your SOUL and your SOUL POWER, you will be called to go deeper than deep and you’ll be able to handle it. So make a blend of bringing in light and raising your vibration AND being with everything that is coming up- with your sacred humanity. Stay in LOVE and when the fear sets in- hug it. Love it. Comfort it. Don’t push it away or “try to dissolve it”. Just let it melt in your SOUL’S embrace just as you would comfort a scared child. ~Marilyn
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:58:24 +0000

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