*SPOILERS* - About Interstellar I haven’t entirely taken the - TopicsExpress


*SPOILERS* - About Interstellar I haven’t entirely taken the film in yet but I just wanted to point out on what I think, in my very humble opinion, the film is all about or why some people are confused and consequently think they might hate it in a way or another. Very briefly, many people are taking the film entirely as a sci-fi film, a film profoundly about science and planets and black holes. when I believe that those were merely used as tools for something much bigger. Interstellars not about travelling through space and time, or about the theory of relativity, or even about how the earth is dying and we should find a new home. What Nolan did, was to use all those tools to tell us about something more, and that is how “he believes” is basically THE way to survive. to survive dying earth, to survive all the misery and to fight all the irrationalities with what far exceeds logic and common sense, and that is love. That was the first effect it had on me. As cliche or cheesy as it sounds, but this is what the film is basically about. How love, and being connected to people hence to life is the greatest meaning of it all. How it’s the only way to surpass all the rules of science and logic itself. Yes, the film might have flaws from a scientific perspective, but this is Nolan after all, he takes a genre and transforms it... but anyway, this was not the point here, the point was to show how extraordinary the results can be if you’re a human that still has the capability of love. a reminder of what being human is all about. Miracles performed with logic, reason, and rationale. How the inability of love is what led to the destruction of planet earth. Even with all the scientific advances and mind-blowing possibilities. Machines will never do it alone. Not even human machines. So, just enjoy the film, take it in. and to me, screw the rules of cinema.. screw logic... films are about the story’s effect on you... what it made you feel. I am a science enthusiast myself, so its not that I dont give a damn about it, I do. if you want a science program, i suggest you watch “Cosmos” or something. coz this films not made for that, at all. Cooper: You’re a scientist, Brand. Brand: So listen to me when I say love isn’t something that we invented. It’s observable. Powerful. It has to mean something. Cooper: Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing. Brand: You love people who died. Where’s the social utility in that? Cooper: None. Brand: Maybe it means something more — something we can’t yet understand. Maybe it’s some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can’t consciously perceive. I’m drawn across the universe to someone I haven’t seen in a decade who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing that we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t understand it. All right Cooper. Yes, the tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Cooper: Honestly, Amelia, it might.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:06:17 +0000

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