SPREAD THE WORD XANGO mmxgo/wzf & YOULL BE REWARDED BY DOING JUST THAT LIKE I DO!!! From an early age, all of us have been spreading the word, whether its gossip, religion, good news or bad news. In network marketing, that is the main activity you should be doing. Spreading the word about a great opportunity that might help your friends and neighbors financially, or about a wellness product that might help them with their health. This single activity, if done correctly, can set you financially free! Are you a connector mmxgo/wzf Is there a solution mmxgo/xzf Are you ready mmxgo/yzf Is there a better way mmxgo/zzf Does it work mmxgo/2zf Three things your body needs mmxgo/3zf Join the #MB30 Movement mmxgo/4zf Here are a few keys I’ve found to spreading the word effectively: 1. Do it daily. Many people have jobs and busy lives, but if you just set aside an hour (or so) each day you will see your business grow. Make sure that you use that hour connecting with people. Talk to them in person, send them information, or chat with them on the phone, but make sure you are making a connection with someone. Dont use that hour for busy work. 2. Dont prejudge. The people you think will do this business may not, and the people you dont think would just might. You may think someone cant afford it and they’ll order two cases, or you’ll hear someone who is well off say they cant afford it. The best you can do is to educate everyone and let them decide for themselves. 3. Help others. Get it out of your head that YOU need to get to the next level, and that YOU need to earn that next trip. Instead, focus on helping others get what they need. If you bring in a new business builder, help them get to 1K. If you keep duplicating this, you will get to the next level. Its not about you; its about them. 4. Many irons in the fire. Never use just one way to spread the word. The more irons you have in the fire the more people you will bring on board. Here are just a few different ideas for sharing your XANGO passion: home parties, trade shows, advertising, join clubs and seminars, social media, leads, brand yourself. There is no right or wrong way, get creative and make it fun! The main thing is that you just do it! magicwandsystem/blog/Greetings-from-South-Africa-and-Namibia.htm & magicwandsystem/blog/Sherman-Unkefer-Re-Launches-Innovative-Network.htm With https://xango/me/12549502 XANGO, its very easy to spread the word. Here’s why: We have the absolute best wellness products and we have something for everyone. If you dont know about all of our products, get to know them. Then think of which ones can help people you know. We have world-class leaders that you can be proud of. If you havent met our Founders, make sure you come to BOLD 2013 xango/about/culture/events/bold in September to really get to know them. XanGo Convention late Bob Schmidt on Commitment to Live your Dreams youtu.be/00tQEWUNnwo XANGOs compensation plan is unmatched. There are four ways you can get paid including a global bonus pool—not just for the top ranks, but the entry level ranks as well—thanks to an ingenious customer program! I dare you to find a better compensation plan. I looked hard and couldn’t find one. In todays economy, you doubtless know a lot of people who need to make extra income. XANGO is the vehicle to help them do it. Start spreading the word! Eight Steps To Build Your XanGo Business Successfully m.youtube/watch?v=R0h5WDYAAVg ; Why MLM - Why XanGo m.youtube/watch?v=gviXi4urXEM&feature=plcp# ; The Process Of Exposing People To Your Business m.youtube/watch?v=jBPGTLI7HFM&feature=plcp# ; You Versus You m.youtube/watch?v=YxdrJp4uij4&feature=plcp# XanGo’s Global Bonus Pool in Year 2007 having reached USA$1 Billon dollars mark that year which now doubled in recent years. In Year 2013, over USA$2 Billion dollars mark has been reached. Wow! The XanGo Global Bonus Pool is 5% of worldwide sales per calendar quarter for Qualified Premiers Selects that is 50-200K Premiers Select getting 3%, and 2% Global Bonus Pool for Qualified 500K Premiers Select respectively that brings a total of 5% Global Bonus Pool for two categories of Premiers Select. Our company is doing more than 500 Million a quarter and every Quarter is unique and may double or triple depending on demand, and has the highest percentage of annual growth in the world. Thats USA$50,500,000.00 and more set aside every quarter to be split among the people who are Qualified Premiers that is (4) times a year every third month-end that is January, April, July and October month, years in - years out! Right now I estimate that there are not more than 1000 Premiers worldwide, which exact numbers totals at 357 or more, and excitingly, XanGo has a prestigious club called XanGo Multi-Million Dollars Club for Qualified Premiers Selected, stands at 120 or more; who earned, earns, and earning more than USA$1 Million dollars annually and 29 or more of those, are not only Millionaires but Multi-Millionaires in terms of USA$Dollars earnings yearly. Currently, a total of 120 Qualified Premiers Select are members of the Prestigious Club and that is to say, XanGo on the average, produces a Millionaire or Two each and every single month for the past 10 years that XanGo has been in existence. More Millionaires are to be produced in coming months and years given the rate on which XanGo Nation is growing. Thats a HUGE amount of money to be divided up! Never have so few, received so much! And do you want others to benefit from all of this without you..? XanGo Founder, Chairman & CEO Aaron Garrity Leading us into Future m.youtube/watch?v=Haq87H33f9o&feature=plpp# And thats PER QUARTER! Picture how big the pool will be in two years when we are doing over Four BILLION Dollars in annual sales as we currently stand at over Two Billions in annual sales! That would be sales of around $1,050,000,000 per quarter. 5% of that would be almost $105,500,000 PER QUARTER split among Quailified Premiers Select in 3% and 2% in Quarterly Global Bonus Pools alone! Mind you, there are more than 2 millions XanGo Independent Distributors in the whole world, that is to say, there is more money to be paid out to Active Distributors if they take the advantage of the XanGo Compensation Plan because you can earn more with just few people and more volume in sales generating unbelievably Bonuses & Commissions rewards because XanGo pays really exactly 50% back to the field ( John Godzich Speaks XanGo in Russia m.youtube/watch?feature=related&v=tTKBv2fxXqU# ) that is to her Active Qualified Independent Distributors like I am in three ways, except the fourth which I did not managed as yet, to be on Quarterly Global Bonus Pool and prestigious XanGo Multi-Million Dollars Club, but slowly and surely, my ultimate goal and dream, is to be there (on the fourth pay level) no matter how many rivers may be crossed!!! Check It with Gordon Morton youtu.be/8EumT4tw8qA XANGO Compensation Plan youtu.be/tQaCtoMINDM XanGo Check It with Dave Webb m.youtube/watch?feature=relmfu&v=l6xp0T7k0Ow# 500K Premier Select XanGo Master Distributor Presents Cashing In on XanGo Distributorship & Customer Connect Compensation Plan m.youtube/watch?feature=relmfu&v=ZEwif0fPj1Y# XanGo Pay Plan Makes Dollars Sense youtu.be/2715JxGTNwU iBonus Overview youtu.be/Ailx_OMHHwI Caddy Webb Presents XanGo Revisited youtu.be/6NjS6J6GdPA Caddy Webb Presents XanGo Revisited youtu.be/6_ZELWAzq64 99 Million - XANGO Compensation Plan youtu.be/AKDAijfBxJ8 200K Premier Select Presents XanGo Opportunity of a Lifetime m.youtube/watch?v=GmpQwNgiEKA# There are experienced networkers entering our company right now who in less than a year will be in the Global Pool Bonus money. All of the Global Pool Money has NOTHING to do with the commissions that you earn in WEEKLY POWERSTART BONUS, MONTHLY (Nine) UNILEVEL (Dynamic Compressed) on the residual side that is in Re-Orders, for those have Customer base on (Dailly) RETAIL PROFIT. That is to say, there are (4) four ways to be compensated in XanGo Compensation Pay Plan as highlighted above. Do your Maths to get the bigger picture on XanGo Compensation Pay Plan unmatched with any other MLMs Network Marketing Companies masquerading themselves around the globe! You may be thinking that sounds good and all but how are you going to get in on it? The way you get in on it is to get PROMOTED FAST! Ever heard of MB30 Movement - 20TWENTY Revolution..? Join the #MB30 Movement mmxgo/4zf It stands for Millionaire Before The Age of 30 that is from age 18 above before turning 30, by Year 2020 there will be upcoming Young Millionaires in the Company we call XanGo and its prestigious XanGo Multi-Million Dollars Club for those XanGo Premiers Select who earned, earns and earning a USA$Million or more per year. Many of us have passed that age already but all is not lost as this is everyone MB30 - 20TWENTY Movement Revolution which aims to have the backbone of the Youth in XanGo as in the past 10 years only majority of older people have been dominating the XanGo Multi-Million Dollar Club but things have to change now and it is now even a chance for Africa especially the youth to take the advantage of the MB30 Movement in XanGo. The MB30 Movement - 20TWENTY Revolution is the brainchild of young Mr Kamuela Kirk and XanGo Independent Distributor Mr Tommy Johnson and a member of prestigious XanGo Multi-Million Dollar Club. youtube/watch?v=0ph3BP5vm3Y&sns=em and 99 Million - XANGO Compensation Plan youtu.be/AKDAijfBxJ8 They live in United States of America and are promoting XanGo Energy Drink called FAVAO Ignite, FAVAO Reload and FAVAO Limitless alongside with XanGo Flagship, Premium Mangosteen WholeFruit Purée Juice Blend that we call the XanGo Juice. Brief history, XanGo was founded on 11 September 2002 with 1 Master Distributor Mr Dwayne Dyer alongside with Founders and Members of the Board. That XanGo Master Distributor went to invite other XanGo Independent Distributors who are now over 2 Millions XanGo Independent Distributors worldwide of which 104 and more coming, reached the XanGo Rank of Premiers Selects that is 50Ks, 100Ks, 200Ks and 500Ks Premiers Select who are members of the prestigious XanGo Multi-Million Dollars Club meaning they have earned a USA$1 Million or more in a single year. Do the math with your countrys currency conversion in comparison to the USA$ Currency. You too can earn that... The XANGO compensation plan provides a clear and simple road to accomplish everything youve ever dreamed. A full 50 percent of commissionable volume on each XANGO product sold goes straight back to commission payments. No tricks. No fuzzy math. No hidden changes to your earnings (breakage). Just wide-open opportunity and products that demand attention. For complete details of the compensation plan, please refer to the XANGO Policies and Procedures. There are four ways to earn commissions: 1. Retail Sales: Purchase product at wholesale prices, sell at retail and keep the profit. 2. PowerStart (Weekly): PowerStart is paid on a distributors initial sales order (up to 1,000PV) with volume that is placed within 30 days of sign-up. PowerStart is paid to the first two qualifying sponsors (see chart). PowerStart also compresses up to the next qualified distributor. 3. UniLevel (Monthly): XANGO proudly pays 50% on all commissionable volume: 47% through nine compressed levels on all sales orders (excluding sales orders paid as PowerStart) to qualified distributors (see chart), and 3% to the Global Bonus Pool for qualifying Premiers and above. 4. Bonus Pools (Quarterly): Qualifying Premiers and above participate in the Global Bonus Pool, sharing 3% of global sales each quarter. You may as well try looking at OUR COMPENSATION PLAN below which is based on 50/50 Joint-Venture Business Opportunity. A full 50 percent of each XANGO PV product sold goes straight back to commission payments. No tricks. No hidden company kickbacks. Just a reliable foundation you can feel good building your future on. For further readings see the: xangousa.myvoffice/pdf/en/USA-ENG-PP.pdf ; rs.xango/downloads/xango4.0/xango_p&p_033012.pdf ; rs.xango/downloads/xango4.0/xango_compensation_plan_2page.pdf ; rs.xango/downloads/xango4.0/path_to_premier.pdf ; xango/opportunity/adp and, rs.xango/downloads/xango4.0/xango_comp_plan_workbook.pdf Xango meets high product quality standards and very strict ISO standards. They use the whole mangosteen. From centre to rind, this is very important as the rind has the majority of the nutrients. Has the most delectable taste, I find it refreshing and addictive. It is well priced around USA $50.00 or R400.00 or N$400.00 per bottle, now available in Africa through the Republic of South Africa. my.xango.co.za/xanthonesmangosteenwholefruitjuicepuree Only 1-3 doses a day is need. Xango juice can be bought online or it can be bought through a family business. Xango choose not to sell it at super markets. They believe that people will recommended it and it will sell on its own merit. ie word of mouth. From what I know this avenue has only strengthened the name Xango. I continue to drink Xango Mangosteen Juice daily and have never looked back. Buy Xango Juice online: my.xango.co.za/xanthonesmangosteenwholefruitjuicepuree Now what are you waiting for..? Join the #MB30 Movement mmxgo/4zf MB30 Meeting with Tommy Johnson https://xango/buzz/tv/all/mb30-party-utah MB30 Tommy Johnson Interview https://xango/buzz/tv/all/mb30-tommy-johnson-interview MB30 Party In Utah youtu.be/7rpKkGvzQlQ XanGo Bold International Global Convention 26-28September 2013 Teaser https://xango/buzz/tv/all/xango-bold-teaser There are a LOT of great blogs in the XANGO community. And a LOT of great XANGO websites. This is your one stop shop for all XANGO websites and blogs to support you in your XANGO efforts. XANGO Product & Business Websites: xango favao eleviv xangojuice xango3sixty5 glimpseskincare xangogoodness.org xangosoccer xango.tv XANGO on Facebook: XANGO Corporate Blog – facebook/xangojuice FAVAO – facebook/favaowellness Fight Dream Atrophy – facebook/fightdreamatrophy BLOGS: XANGO Blog – xangosphere GLIMPSE Blog – glimpseblog There are a LOT of GREAT Facebook Communities to help you support your XANGO business. Here are just a few that we recommend. Click on these links when you are logged into your Facebook and hit “LIke” and you will be plugged into great communities and tools to help you build your XANGO business. XANGO Corporate Pages FAVAO Wellness - https://facebook/favaowellness XANGO JUICE - https://facebook/xangojuice Other Great Community Pages My FAVAO - https://facebook/myfavao 500K Plan - https://facebook/500KPlan LIFE As It COULD Be - https://facebook/lifeasitcouldbe4u Video MAX Pro – https://facebook/videomaxpro Unlimited Potential - upunlimitedpotential UPUnlimited Potential - https://facebook/UnlimitedUPPotential Team Velox - https://facebook/groups/teamvelox XanGo Nation - https://facebook/groups/xangonation XanGo - Namibia - Africa https://facebook/XangoNamibiaMangosteenJuice MB30 - 20TWENTY Movement https://facebook/MB30movement/info & mb30 Wilhelm SSM Nathinge XanGo Independent Distributor Windhoek Namibia Mobile/Cellural: +264811272908 Email: wanathinge@yahoo Email: wnathinge@gmail Email: jantek.nathinge@gmail Log-On-To-My-Websites: wholefruitxanthones.gomangosteen/landing.html and; mymangosteen/distributors/WilhelmNathingeWindhoekNamibia and; yourcustomwebsiteaddress.discovermangosteensite/ and; wholefruitxanthones.gomangosteen/landing.html and; XanGo1Nation.lifeasitcouldbe.me/ and; My Marketing Site Website: WilhelmNathinge.discovermangosteen and; My Glimpse Site Website: WilhelmNathinge.themangosteenevolution and; My Network Goodness Site Website: WilhelmNathinge.networkgoodness.org and ; My Custom E-mail Address: WilhelmNathinge@mypowersystem and; My XanGo Websites: mymangosteen/ZaynGoHealthWellnessWealth/contact.asp ; TO JOIN & ORDER my.xango.co.za/xanthonesmangosteenwholefruitjuicepuree , and; My Unique XANGO My Link: https://xango/me/12549502
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:18:56 +0000

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