SPYL DIRECTS ITS HEARTFELT TRIBUTE TO THE PEACEFUL AND JUST PRESIDENT 01 April 2014 Throughout his leadership in the people’s movement, Comrade President Hifikepunye Pohamba’s content and character has always been that of peace and justice. In the militant SPYL, the President is baptized “The Peaceful and Just President.” He always had a special place for the youth. Over the years, The Peaceful and Just President embraced the program of action of the militant league. The three pillars of the SPYL – Youth Empowerment, Rural Development and Genuine Economic Empowerment have all generally found expression in his speeches and deeds. To that end, The Peaceful and Just President implemented the SPYL call for the building of toilets in rural areas although hijacked and manipulated by corrupt capitalist elements. The infrastructural development, which top his achievements, and other interventions were all resolutions of the militant SPYL. In fact, the Peaceful and Just President, speaking at the 5th Congress of the SPYL in 2012, had promised to implement our resolutions. The implementation of Free Education is one such promise kept amongst many. In accordance with our pillar of Youth Empowerment, the Peaceful and Just President agreed to appoint young people to decision making positions although these have become self-serving and not delivering. He asked us, at congress, to inform him when we want these non-performing comrades to be removed. We are grateful and pay tribute to the Peaceful and Just President. We are sentimental to the Peaceful and Just President. When the knives where out to exterminate the leadership of the militant SPYL, the Peaceful and Just President refused to be a cannibal that eats its own children. History will be kind to him in recording that he was the voice of reason and chose an alternative path of developing and re-channeling the energy of his children. In his last State of the Nation Address, the Peaceful and Just President told the Namibian people that “our youth represent the nation’s best hope for the future and are, indeed, a central and vital component in the achievement of our national development goals. I assure our young people that Government will continue to address the challenges they face and implement interventions to promote their welfare and enable them to secure a brighter future.” The expression of the Peaceful and Just President - a friend of young people – is to be actualized through our three pillars; Youth Empowerment, Rural and Informal Settlement Development and Genuine Economic Empowerment. With a view to ensure that the SPYL program of Action, through the three pillars form part of the national development agenda, the Peaceful and Just President recently appointed the Secretary of the SPYL, Comrade Dr. Tjitunga Elijah Ngurare, as a member of the National Planning Commission. This has never happened before. SPYL is now planning for the country; thanks be to the Peaceful and Just President. Through President Pohamba the SWAPO Party has an Excellent Story to tell. Through the militant SPYL that Excellent story will be told to the people of Namibia. We are proud of our Peaceful and Just President. ISSUED BY THE SWAPO PARTY YOUTH LEAGUE CONTACT Job Shipululo Amupanda, SPYL Spokesperson Website: spyl.org |Twitter: @SPYLNamibia | Facebook Group: SWAPO YOUTH LEAGUE | Facebook Page: Militant SPYL
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 09:48:56 +0000

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