SRI VAIKUNTHA EKADASI Vaikuntha Ekadasi is considered to be the - TopicsExpress


SRI VAIKUNTHA EKADASI Vaikuntha Ekadasi is considered to be the most important Ekadasi in the Sri Vaishnava tradition. Ekadasi means ‘the eleventh’ in Sanskrit and refers to the eleventh day of the bright fortnight (shukla paksha) belonging to a lunar month. Vaikuntha Ekadasi is the 11th day in the lunar calendar after the new moon in Dhanurmasa (December 15 – January 15). In 2015, the date of Vaikunta Ekadasi is January 1. Swarga Vasal or or Paramapada opening is at 4:30 AM on January 1, 2015. Please note that in United States and UK it is marked on December 31, 2014. Vaikuntha Ekadasi is observed in the Margali Month (Margazhi Masam) as per Tamil Calendar and in Pushya month as per Telugu Calendar. Vaikuntha Ekadashi is also known as Mukkoti Ekadasi and in Kerala it is known as Swargavathil Ekadasi. It is considered to be the day on which the doors of Vaikuntha (heaven) will be kept open for all the saintly souls. One will be absolved of all sins and will attain Moksha and the doors of Vaikunta will be kept open for the soul after it leaves this physical body. According to the Vishnu Purana, observing the Ekadasi Vrata (or fast) on Vaikuntha Ekadasi day confers the benefit equivalent to observing all the other eleven Ekadasis during the year. Fasting (according to one’s capacity), chanting the names of the Lord, visiting Vishnu temples are some of the ways this festival is observed. In some temples, this festival is celebrated over five days with special Pujas on all days. Devotees also get a chance to go through a sanctified entrance called “Vaikuntha Dwaaram” (doorway to “heaven”) on the Vaikunta Ekadasi day and participate in the continuous chanting of the Vishnu Sahasranamam (one thousand names of Lord Vishnu). Lord Venkateshwara opened the gate of Vaikunta (his abode) for two demons in spite of they being against the Lord. They asked for the boon that who ever listens to their story and sees the image of Lord coming out of the door called Vaikunta Dwara, will reach Vaikunta. For the same reason, temples all over India make a door kind of structure on this day for devotees to pass through. The day is observed as a very sacred day by all the Vishnu bhaktas and many people fast on that day. It is believed that by observing a fast on that day and spending the day in poojas and prayers to Lord Vishnu, one will be absolved of all sins and will attain Moksha and the doors of Vaikunta will be kept open for the soul after it leaves this physical body. The soul does not have a rebirth anymore and attains the feet of the Supreme Lord. LEGEND OF VAIKUNTHA EKADASI According to the Padma Purana, during the Krita Yuga (also termed the golden age), an asura or demon called Muran harassed both the devas (Gods) and mortals. Unable to bear his tyranny, the devas sought refuge in Shiva. He directed them to approach Vishnu. Vishnu agreed to help the devas and went out to battle with Muran. During the long battle, which lasted one thousand celestial years, Vishnu needed to rest for a while. He entered a beautiful cave called Himavati inBadarikashrama to sleep. Muran wanted to strike Vishnu while he was sleeping. However, Shakti – Vishnu’s female energy – emerged out of his body and assumed the form of a beautiful damsel who fought Muran and vanquished him. When Vishnu awoke he was very pleased and named this maiden as Ekadasi and granted her a boon. The maiden said, “O Lord, if You are pleased with me and wish to give me a boon, then give me the power to deliver people from the greatest sins if they fast of this day”. Vishnu granted her the boon and declared that people worshipping her would reach Vaikuntha. Thus, it is said, was born the first ekadasi, which was a Dhanurmasa shukla paksha ekadasi. Sages and devout people have been since, observing the ekadasi vrata regularly. Here, the demon Muran represents the tamasic and rajasic qualities in us. The import of the ekadasi vrata is that one can conquer rajasic and tamasic tendencies in us through fasting. This helps us reach our ultimate destination, Vaikuntha, which is the place or stage of no ‘kuntitha’ or dullness, stupidity and misery. It is also said that on this day the ksheerasagara manthana (churning of the ocean) took place and the nectar of immortality (amritha) was distributed to the gods. THE ENCHANTING TULSI The Sacred Tulsi Plant is dedicated to Supreme Being Vishnu and one must develop their relationship with Tulsi to help in changing the limiting beliefs of their reality. The Tulsi plant or Indian basil is an important symbol in the Vedic tradition. The name Tulsi means the incomparable one. Looking at, touching, meditating upon, praying to, worshipping, planting or ingesting Tulsi leaves can cleanse one of sins committed in several births. It is said that all deities reside in this plant right from the root to the shoots. A scientist from the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India found that a person with initial auric field emanating outwards at 2.5m (average) expanded to 6.15 m when standing near to a Tulsi plant. Other studies have shown the Tulsi to greatly minimize the effect of nuclear radiation. Plant some around your home for protection of negative energy fields (thoughts as well as external sources such as radiation and increased electromagnetism- be sure to strategically place near the microwave, computer and television set). Not only does it neutralize harmful effects by transforming the energies, it forms a protective barrier and emits a positive energy, so use the plant all around your home to create a healthier environment. In Ayurvedic medicine, Tulsi is used for a wide variety of healing remedies as well as preventatives. Drink it in teas, use as a herb in your food, inhale the essential oil, and even wear the malas made from the roots and stalks. The Tulsi mala will increase the strength of your aura as well as reduce your negative limiting thoughts. PRAYERS TO LORD VISHNU Shaantakaaram bhujaga shayanam padmanaabham suresham; Vishwadhaaram gagana-sadrisham megha-varanam shubhaangam. Lakshmi-kaantam kamala-nayanam yogi-bhi-dhyaana-agamyam; Vande vishnum bhava-bhaya-haram sarva-lokaika-naatham. 7 RITUALS/THINGS TO OBSERVE ON VAIKUNTHA EKADASI 1. Undertaking Fast 2. Grow a Tulsi plant 3. Drink Tulsi tea 4. Wear a Tulsi mala 5. Chant the mantra - Om Namo Narayanaya and worship Yantra. 6. Become conscious of your thoughts - conceive of unlimited money. 7. Participate in Vaikunta Ekadasi Rituals OM NAMO NARAYANA
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:33:35 +0000

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