SRINAGAR, AUGUST 03: Chairman Hurriyat Conference Syed Ali Shah - TopicsExpress


SRINAGAR, AUGUST 03: Chairman Hurriyat Conference Syed Ali Shah Geelani while terming government announcement of releasing a few detainees just a joke, stressed release of all prisoners on the eve of Eid ul-Fitr and added that 574 Kashmiri youth without constitutional justification are languishing in local and other prisons of India and the majority of them are not being released and are subjected to political vengeance. Geelani said that 50 political prisoners who since last five to ten years have been in prison and equal number of youths have been sentenced for life imprisonment. Muhammad Shabir,Raj Deen and three other pro-freedom youth from Kathua and Jammu have been awarded death sentences, while ignoring all norms, Masarat Alam Butt, Mir Hafiz Ullah, Mushtaq-ul-Isla m, Mohammad Rafiq Ganai, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat, Fayaz Ahmad , Nasser Abdullah, Nisar Ahmad Bhat and Shabir Ahmed Wani were booked five to nine times repeatedly under PSA for the same allegations. Saturday Syed Ali Geelani said that those sentenced for life imprisonment include Dr Mohammad Qasim Faktoo, Ghulam Qadir Bhat, Dr. Mohammad Shafi Khan, Mohammad Ayub Dar, Mohammad Ayoub Mir, Nazir Ahmad Sheikh , Mohammad Amin Dar, Mohammad Sayeed Butt, Fayaz Ahmed Tantray, Noor Mohammad, Mohammad Amin Wani, Engineer Farooq Ahmad, Mohammad Ishaq Palla, Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Mushtaq Ahmed Malla, Feroz Ahmad Bhat and Javiad Ahmad Khan and added that the pro freedom personalities logged in Tihar jail include pro freedom leader of Tehreek e Hurriyat ,Gh Mohammad Bhat, and other including Dr. Tariq Ahmed Dar, Mohammad Amin Shah, Mohammad Hussain , Abdul Majid Magray and Farooq Ahmad Daga .Hurriyat chairman said that Kashmir is a political issue and figure among the states declared as conflict zones and as a matter of fact all those people related to this conflict are to be treated in the category of political prisoners and according to international law ,prosecution under criminal laws and therefore the sentences awarded are not justified. Syed Ali Geelani while demanding the immediate release of all detainees said that it has been proved that Omer Abdullah leads a most weak and incompetent administration and till date he is not able to release even a single prisoner and added that all the matters are being dealt by Home ministry of India and even a peon can oppose any move in this regard. Syed Ali while referring to the statement of SSP Srinagar wherein he had said that 15 percent of youth have been arrested and police is looking for remaining 85 percent ,Syed Ali Geelani expressed his concern and said that it is ironical that on one hand the announcement with respect to a few prisoners are being announced and same time a fresh arrest drive has been started by Kashmir police. Authorities have imposed martial law like restrictions, said Syed Ali Geelani and expressed his grief that callous policy in relation to prisoners is being implemented and added that Amir Hamza,Ab Gani Bhat and Sheikh Altaf and other scores of pro freedom leaders were arrested after the Gool Ramban Tragedy. Spokesman Ayaz Akbar told Sach News in a Press Statement.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 17:26:33 +0000

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